
The Greengrocery is a ship that is docked at the port of Petersham, Zollie, Diol.


Status: Docked at Petersham, Zollie


Built: 330
Builder: Audrey Aldis


Port of origin: Boston, Centreville
Most recent port: Petersham, Zollie
Docked since: 379


Last captain: Capt. Ximenes Noland, 1 yrs. experience; died 381
Former captains: Capt. Harmon Noland


Voyages completed: 2
Islands discovered: None
Ports visited: Boston, Centreville; Red Hill, Pelican; Petersham, Zollie


Population: no one has been aboard since 378
Highest-ever population: 4 (in 378)


Former passengers: Capt. Harmon Noland, Carroll Noland, Tamera Noland, Fulvia Noland, Capt. Ximenes Noland, Pyotr Noland, Edi Zollie, Fanechka Aldis, Abner Aldis, August Myke, Judi Aldis
Died aboard: Fanechka Aldis (Murder), Abner Aldis (Murder), August Myke (Murder), Judi Aldis (Natural causes)
Murders: Fanechka Aldis (in the year 369 by Capt. Harmon Noland), Abner Aldis (in the year 369 by Capt. Harmon Noland), August Myke (in the year 369 by Capt. Harmon Noland)


330.   The Greengrocery was built in Boston, Centreville, by Audrey Vaclav. It is the first ship that she has completed.
357.   Boston has been annexed by Black Diamond.
369.   Harmon Noland is trying to gather up a group of people in Black Diamond for an expedition on the Greengrocery, which Harmon Noland has agreed to lead. The group about to board the Greengrocery has decided that, rather than Harmon Noland naming himself captain outright, the passengers will decide who their captain will be democratically. Harmon Noland's shipmates have decided that he would make the best captain, though Abner Aldis vocally disagrees. Harmon Noland was designated captain of the Greengrocery, which will depart Black Diamond shortly; he has never captained a ship before. Fanechka Aldis, Judi Aldis, Capt. Harmon Noland, Abner Aldis, August Myke, and Carroll Aldis have boarded the Greengrocery from the port of Black Diamond, Centreville. The Greengrocery, under command of Capt. Harmon Noland, has left the harbor at Black Diamond, Centreville. The Greengrocery is heading W at half-speed. As an act of mutiny, Abner Aldis is going to attempt to murder Capt. Harmon Noland, whose decision-making aboard the Greengrocery has been seen by some passengers as reckless and potentially life-endangering. Abner Aldis attempted to murder Capt. Harmon Noland as an act of mutiny, but failed. A punishment is now being decided for Abner Aldis and his two conspirators in the failed mutiny attempt, Fanechka Aldis and August Myke. Since there are no nearby uninhabited islands on which the conspirators could be marooned, they will be hanged aboard the ship. Capt. Harmon Noland ordered the hanging of 30-year-old Fanechka Aldis at sea aboard the Greengrocery as capital punishment for a failed mutiny attempt in which Fanechka tried to murder Harmon. Capt. Harmon Noland ordered the hanging of his 29-year-old uncle Abner Aldis at sea aboard the Greengrocery as capital punishment for a failed mutiny attempt in which Abner tried to murder Harmon. This was his second victim. Capt. Harmon Noland ordered the hanging of 31-year-old August Myke at sea aboard the Greengrocery as capital punishment for a failed mutiny attempt in which August tried to murder Harmon. This was his third victim.
370.   The Greengrocery is heading W at half-speed. Judi Aldis died at sea aboard the Greengrocery of natural causes; she was 79 years old.
371.   The Greengrocery is heading W at full-speed. The crew of the Greengrocery have spotted land. The Greengrocery is approaching the island of Pelican. Greengrocery is now docked at Red Hill, on Pelican.
378.   Ximenes Noland is trying to gather up a group of people in Red Hill for an expedition on the Greengrocery, which Ximenes Noland has agreed to lead. Ximenes Noland has made it clear that, because it was his decision for the ship to be commandeered, he will serve as its captain. Ximenes Noland was designated captain of the Greengrocery, which will depart Red Hill shortly; he has never captained a ship before. Fulvia Noland, Capt. Ximenes Noland, Pyotr Noland, and Edi Noland have boarded the Greengrocery from the port of Red Hill, Pelican. The Greengrocery, under command of Capt. Ximenes Noland, has left the harbor at Red Hill, Pelican. The Greengrocery is heading E at quarter-speed.
379.   The Greengrocery is heading N at full-speed. The crew of the Greengrocery have spotted land. The Greengrocery is approaching the island of Zollie. Greengrocery is now docked at Petersham, on Zollie.
381.   Capt. Ximenes Noland, who captained the Greengrocery from 378 to 379, died in Petersham, Zollie, of natural causes; he was 60 years old.
405.   Capt. Harmon Noland, who captained the Greengrocery from 369 to 371, died aboard the Blepharospath, which had become lost at sea; he was 54 years old.