Est. 328

Farragut is a tiny settlement on the island of Silas, Diol, that was founded in the year 328.


Island: Silas
Coast: Inland
Area: 0.07 square miles


Founded: 328
Founders: Tome Prasun, Rosabella Gilles, Ripley Prasun, Nero Prasun, Alyse Prasun, Nero Prasun, Rosabella Gilles, Ripley Prasun, Alyse Prasun
Annexed: None


Ships in port: None


Houses: Prasun House, Prasun House, Gilles House, Prasun House, Prasun House, Prasun House


Population: no one since 403
Highest-ever population: 17 (in 347)


Residents: None
Died here: Cyrille Prasun (Infancy), Erin Prasun (Natural causes), Hector Prasun (Infancy), Reinhold Prasun (Infancy), Felicity Prasun (Infancy), Gredel Prasun (Infancy), Laurance Gilles (Natural causes), Nero Prasun (Suicide), Conchita Gilles (Natural causes)
Murders: None


328.   Farragut, Silas, was founded by Tome Prasun, Rosabella Prasun, Ripley Prasun, Nero Prasun, Alyse Prasun, Nero Prasun, Rosabella Prasun, Ripley Prasun, and Alyse Prasun. 5 newcomer(s) moved to Farragut in 328: Tome Prasun, Nero Prasun, Ripley Prasun, Rosabella Prasun, and Alyse Prasun.
329.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Farragut in 329: Erin Prasun.
340.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Farragut in 340: Mellicent Gilles.
344.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Farragut in 344: Ree Gilles.
345.   1 resident(s) moved out of Farragut in 345: Mellicent Gilles.
347.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Farragut in 347: Laurance Gilles, Conchita Gilles, and Harley Prasun.
348.   1 resident(s) moved out of Farragut in 348: Ree Gilles.
351.   1 resident(s) moved out of Farragut in 351: Konrad Prasun.
352.   8 resident(s) moved out of Farragut in 352: Rosabella Prasun, Sholom Prasun, Rosabella Prasun, Alfredo Prasun, Sam Prasun, Korney Prasun, Alford Prasun, and Harley Prasun.
355.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Farragut in 355: Gene Gilles.
358.   4 resident(s) moved out of Farragut in 358: Tome Prasun, Alyse Prasun, Erinn Prasun, and Keriann Prasun.
359.   Nero Prasun, who in 328 founded Farragut along with 8 others, took his own life in Farragut, Silas; he was 38 years old.
360.   1 resident(s) moved out of Farragut in 360: Gene Gilles.
366.   1 resident(s) moved out of Farragut in 366: Ripley Prasun.
369.   1 resident(s) moved out of Farragut in 369: Fernando Prasun.
371.   Rosabella Gilles, who in 328 founded Farragut along with 8 others, took her own life in Vancouver, Silas; she was 62 years old.
378.   Tome Prasun, who in 328 founded Farragut along with 8 others, died in Durham, Silas, of natural causes; he was 77 years old.
384.   Ripley Prasun, who in 328 founded Farragut along with 8 others, died aboard the Tetraketone, which had become lost at sea; he was 61 years old.
392.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Farragut in 392: Fernando Prasun, and Fernando Prasun.
394.   Alyse Prasun, who in 328 founded Farragut along with 8 others, died in Durham, Silas, of natural causes; she was 80 years old.
395.   1 resident(s) moved out of Farragut in 395: Fernando Prasun.
396.   1 resident(s) moved out of Farragut in 396: Fernando Prasun.
399.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Farragut in 399: Sholom Prasun.