Est. 326

Tuscaloosa is a large settlement on the island of Stantonville, Diol, that was founded in the year 326.


Island: Stantonville
Coast: North
Area: 3.29 square miles


Languages: Aniumustpyrx, Centrevillean, Monedusus


Founded: 326
Founders: Capt. Kevin Vaclav, Tammi Vaclav, Wilmar Noland, Michail Vaclav, Reid Noland, Clemence Noland, Tammi Vaclav
Annexed: Sunrise, Barkhamsted, Clyde Hill, Babbie, Scotland


Ships in port: Carnegiea
Former ships: 2


Houses: list all 141...
Vaclav House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Aldis House, Vaclav House, Aldis House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Aldis House, Shumeet House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Gilles House, Shumeet House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Gilles House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Gilles House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Aldis House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Gilles House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Gilles House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Aldis House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Gilles House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Noland House, Vaclav House, Noland House, Vaclav House


Population: 103
Highest-ever population: 125 (in 397)


Residents: list all 103...
Moses Noland, Martin Noland, Ignazio Vaclav, Fremont Noland, Vic Vaclav, Flem Aldis, Claire Noland, Charline Noland, Jordan Aldis, Harlan Noland, Charissa Noland, Joann Vaclav, Kevina Vaclav, Arleen Noland, Tobias Noland, Flor Noland, Amelie Gilles, Linet Vaclav, Lurline Noland, Blaire Noland, Raimund Vaclav, Fay Noland, Dorie Noland, Shurlock Vaclav, Marcela Vaclav, Rahul Noland, Blinnie Vaclav, Prescott Vaclav, Ellyn Noland, Rodger Noland, Carmen Noland, Abbe Gilles, Costa Vaclav, Joel Noland, Carmen Noland, Blinnie Vaclav, Jobyna Vaclav, Joel Noland, Dru Noland, Felicity Noland, Moses Noland, Ellette Vaclav, Batholomew Noland, Dion Vaclav, Tedmund Vaclav, Antonia Vaclav, Wendell Vaclav, Catlee Vaclav, Blaine Noland, Rina Noland, Margit Vaclav, Kippie Noland, Sidonia Noland, Sidonia Noland, Modesty Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Rayner Vaclav, Risa Vaclav, Christ Vaclav, Eba Vaclav, Myrle Noland, Robb Noland, Glennie Gilles, Brenda Gilles, Thor Gilles, Van Gilles, Magna Gilles, Renado Gilles, Tremain Gilles, Micheline Gilles, Shamus Zollie, Hanny Gilles, Florentia Gilles, Goose Gilles, Demetria Zollie, Fletch Gilles, Adore Gilles, Michaelina Zollie, Jeralee Gilles, Max Gilles, Mohan Vaclav, Lorettalorna Vaclav, Dudley Vaclav, Amaleta Vaclav, Margi Zollie, Blinnie Vaclav, Barrie Zollie, Chadd Aldis, Wilmar Vaclav, Mireielle Vaclav, Forrest Vaclav, Kiele Vaclav, Ardath Zollie, Jabez Noland, Charissa Noland, Jabez Noland, Blaine Vaclav, Whitman Noland, Barbara Noland, Veda Noland, Vladimir Vaclav, Amelie Gilles, Uriah Noland
Former residents who moved away: list all 308...
Robinet Noland, Capt. Kevin Vaclav, Sidonnie Noland, Carly Vaclav, Rayner Noland, Charissa Vaclav, Amalie Vaclav, Leon Vaclav, Rayner Noland, Yale Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, Alejandro Vaclav, Valli Noland, Jabez Noland, Quincey Noland, Somerset Noland, Rayner Noland, Yale Vaclav, Lurline Noland, Concettina Noland, Barty Noland, Jordan Vaclav, Orazio Vaclav, Templeton Vaclav, Moses Noland, Clemence Noland, Kendall Noland, Dick Noland, Starla Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Udell Vaclav, Tedmund Vaclav, Agamemnon Noland, Thornton Vaclav, Helmuth Vaclav, Mureil Noland, Tamma Aldis, Hermine Vaclav, Rubi Noland, Jack Vaclav, Jabez Vaclav, Dwight Noland, Xena Vaclav, Keith Vaclav, Somerset Noland, Valli Noland, Suellen Vaclav, Doralynn Aldis, Barthel Vaclav, Nicolle Vaclav, Dane Noland, Starla Vaclav, Stillmann Noland, Gonzalo Noland, Prescott Vaclav, Merlin Vaclav, Quincey Noland, Quincey Noland, Joel Noland, Adriaens Noland, Simon Vaclav, Blinnie Vaclav, Fredi Noland, Starla Aldis, Brooks Vaclav, Tammi Vaclav, Bartolomei Vaclav, Davon Noland, Silvia Noland, Silvia Noland, Martin Noland, Emanuel Noland, Dyanna Noland, Claire Noland, Ulberto Noland, Kinna Vaclav, Modesty Vaclav, Jodie Vaclav, Sheila-Kathryn Noland, Jordan Vaclav, Codie Vaclav, Agamemnon Noland, Suellen Vaclav, Doralynn Aldis, Daryl Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Jabez Noland, Blinnie Vaclav, Sela Noland, Kippie Noland, Casi Noland, Valery Noland, Jobyna Vaclav, Quincey Noland, Starla Noland, Micki Vaclav, Dick Noland, Kendall Noland, Felicity Noland, Francesco Noland, Nancey Vaclav, Helmuth Vaclav, Zola Noland, Hermann Aldis, Rayner Noland, Adaline Noland, Shawn Vaclav, Ulberto Noland, Reynolds Vaclav, Valenka Noland, Sibley Noland, Joann Vaclav, Agamemnon Noland, Clemence Noland, Chadd Noland, Charline Noland, Kaleb Vaclav, Giovanna Vaclav, Concettina Noland, Martie Noland, Jodie Vaclav, Quincey Noland, Evangeline Noland, Moses Noland, Nancey Noland, Federico Vaclav, Abbe Gilles, Dick Noland, Fanni Noland, Bradly Aldis, Juliet Aldis, Rodger Noland, Yale Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Carmen Noland, Jobyna Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, Blinnie Vaclav, Simon Vaclav, Marilu Vaclav, Glennie Vaclav, Beverie Vaclav, Ranice Noland, Duncan Vaclav, Kathryne Vaclav, Capt. Lukas Vaclav, Ciel Vaclav, Tatum Vaclav, Nelli Vaclav, Pacifica Noland, Michaella Vaclav, Rayner Noland, Jodie Vaclav, Elton Vaclav, Lynn Vaclav, Lisette Vaclav, Tallie Noland, Doralynn Aldis, Salvador Noland, Kylynn Vaclav, Kaleb Vaclav, Agamemnon Noland, Chadd Noland, Micki Vaclav, Clemence Noland, Kelsi Noland, Raimund Vaclav, Moses Noland, Denice Gilles, Suellen Vaclav, Starla Noland, Aggie Noland, Kerry Noland, Sebastiano Noland, Hebert Vaclav, Kathryne Vaclav, Jodie Noland, Tore Noland, Fredi Noland, Carita Vaclav, Wilmar Vaclav, Moses Noland, Carree Noland, Rina Vaclav, Tonnie Noland, Abbe Gilles, Kendall Noland, Carmel Noland, Mabel Noland, Carmel Noland, Sibley Noland, Joann Vaclav, Shilpa Vaclav, Arie Vaclav, Kaleb Vaclav, Emanuel Noland, Emanuel Noland, Ellette Vaclav, Maximilian Noland, Jack Vaclav, Pietra Noland, Gonzalo Noland, Harold Vaclav, Simon Vaclav, Tan Noland, Reynolds Vaclav, Hebert Vaclav, Arie Vaclav, Nancey Vaclav, Wang Vaclav, Giovanna Vaclav, Simon Vaclav, Shurlock Vaclav, Marcela Vaclav, Harold Noland, Dari Noland, Templeton Vaclav, Jabez Noland, Mireielle Vaclav, Hebert Vaclav, Starla Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, Ulberto Noland, Hermann Aldis, Jobyna Vaclav, Capt. Randolf Zollie, Nancey Zollie, Harold Noland, Dru Noland, Felicity Noland, Staford Vaclav, Clarance Vaclav, Valli Noland, Barbara Vaclav, Viviene Vaclav, Amabelle Noland, Truman Noland, Solomon Noland, Tore Noland, Tore Noland, Roy Vaclav, Carree Noland, Rockwell Noland, Rockwell Noland, Tildy Noland, Silvia Noland, Geoffrey Vaclav, Hazel Vaclav, Pavia Vaclav, Vin Vaclav, Hebert Vaclav, Jonathon Noland, Barbara Vaclav, Carly Noland, Pietra Noland, Leopold Vaclav, Barbara Noland, Bartolomei Vaclav, Emanuel Noland, Udell Vaclav, Tan Noland, Tammie Gilles, Sidonia Noland, Sidonia Noland, Stillmann Noland, Spencer Noland, Jules Noland, Rafaela Vaclav, Arie Vaclav, Nancey Vaclav, Emanuel Noland, Barbara Noland, Capt. Harcourt Gilles, La Gilles, Wilmar Vaclav, Keith Vaclav, Mireielle Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, Lindie Vaclav, Jabez Noland, Charissa Noland, Blaine Vaclav, Roni Noland, Jerrome Vaclav, Magna Gilles, Micheline Gilles, Florentia Gilles, Theda Gilles, Jeralee Gilles, Shamus Zollie, Cordie Vaclav, Clarance Vaclav, Joel Noland, Roni Noland, Staford Vaclav, Shantee Noland, Tedmund Noland, Jonathon Noland, Barbara Noland, Daisi Noland, Kaleb Vaclav, Bartolomei Vaclav, Zola Vaclav, Lindsay Vaclav, Giralda Noland, Carly Noland, Aggie Vaclav
Died here: list all 194...
Bartholomeo Noland (Infancy), Quentin Vaclav (Suicide), Meta Noland (Disease), Woodie Vaclav (Freak accident), Reid Noland (Infancy), Rina Noland (Infancy), Vivie Noland (Infancy), Wilmar Noland (Natural causes), Michail Vaclav (Natural causes), Marline Noland (Suicide), Arabelle Noland (Infancy), Salomone Noland (Infancy), Kelwin Vaclav (Disease), Nancee Noland (Infancy), Catlee Noland (Infancy), Moses Noland (Natural causes), Stillmann Noland (Infancy), Corrine Noland (Infancy), Matteo Vaclav (Infancy), Obadiah Noland (Infancy), Walt Vaclav (Natural causes), Stillmann Noland (Disease), Raimund Vaclav (Disease), Celeste Noland (Disease), Jens Vaclav (Disease), Lizette Vaclav (Disease), Gretna Noland (Disease), Charissa Vaclav (Disease), Quincey Noland (Infancy), Randene Vaclav (Infancy), Pail Noland (Infancy), Shurwood Gilles (Infancy), Nicolina Noland (Infancy), Reid Noland (Natural causes), Hermann Aldis (Murder), Corbin Vaclav (Murder), Ron Vaclav (Murder), Helmuth Aldis (Natural causes), Hermine Noland (Infancy), Jabez Vaclav (Natural causes), Dinny Vaclav (Natural causes), Rene Vaclav (Murder), Kevin Vaclav (Suicide), Reggie Noland (Disease), Ingamar Noland (Infancy), Rafaelia Gilles (Infancy), Capt. Kevin Vaclav (Natural causes), Kaleb Vaclav (Infancy), Royce Vaclav (Infancy), Arabele Noland (Infancy), Dennie Noland (Infancy), Blaire Vaclav (Infancy), Jordan Vaclav (Natural causes), Carree Vaclav (Suicide), Ed Noland (Infancy), Carmel Noland (Infancy), Quincey Noland (Natural causes), Wolfy Vaclav (Freak accident), Ellissa Noland (Infancy), Rufus Noland (Infancy), Moses Noland (Infancy), Percy Noland (Infancy), Dru Noland (Infancy), Hermann Aldis (Murder), Pasquale Aldis (Infancy), Sidonnie Noland (Infancy), Marijo Noland (Infancy), Pierce Noland (Murder), Keith Noland (Natural causes), Daffy Noland (Murder), Batholomew Gilles (Murder), Alejandro Noland (Murder), Quincey Noland (Murder), Walt Noland (Murder), Allegra Gilles (Infancy), Percy Noland (Suicide), Jared Noland (Infancy), Quincey Noland (Disease), Randi Vaclav (Disease), Reggis Vaclav (Disease), Sibley Vaclav (Disease), Rivalee Vaclav (Infancy), Rubia Vaclav (Infancy), Fanni Vaclav (Natural causes), Davidde Noland (Suicide), Rocky Noland (Suicide), Erin Vaclav (Infancy), Charissa Noland (Natural causes), Silvia Noland (Natural causes), Giacomo Vaclav (Disease), Corrine Noland (Disease), Gray Vaclav (Infancy), Gerold Noland (Infancy), Abe Noland (Infancy), Martin Noland (Infancy), Johann Vaclav (Infancy), La Noland (Suicide), Hestia Vaclav (Infancy), Flor Vaclav (Natural causes), Randi Vaclav (Infancy), Rubina Vaclav (Infancy), Woodie Vaclav (Suicide), Torrey Vaclav (Disease), Charissa Noland (Disease), Concettina Noland (Disease), Martie Noland (Disease), Rodney Vaclav (Disease), Wendell Vaclav (Infancy), Stanly Noland (Infancy), Jerrylee Vaclav (Infancy), Oneida Vaclav (Natural causes), Kassey Vaclav (Infancy), Lindie Vaclav (Infancy), Carmen Vaclav (Infancy), Clemence Noland (Murder), Nester Noland (Infancy), Ephrem Vaclav (Natural causes), Kinna Vaclav (Freak accident), Lurline Noland (Infancy), Ashlie Vaclav (Natural causes), Shep Vaclav (Disease), Gavra Vaclav (Disease), La Vaclav (Disease), Kathie Noland (Disease), Dick Noland (Disease), Dawn Noland (Disease), Miran Noland (Disease), Starla Vaclav (Disease), Ellette Vaclav (Natural causes), Joel Noland (Infancy), Alejandro Noland (Infancy), Fanni Noland (Suicide), Rina Vaclav (Disease), Hendrik Noland (Disease), Casi Noland (Disease), Janella Noland (Disease), Ursa Noland (Disease), La Noland (Infancy), Redmond Noland (Infancy), Kassey Noland (Infancy), Starla Vaclav (Natural causes), Pembroke Gilles (Murder), Gerhardt Noland (Disease), Helaine Vaclav (Disease), Clare Noland (Disease), Aldis Noland (Disease), Denny Noland (Disease), Mandy Vaclav (Disease), Danny Vaclav (Disease), Addie Vaclav (Disease), Tildy Noland (Disease), Dode Noland (Disease), Dru Noland (Disease), Salomone Noland (Disease), Templeton Vaclav (Disease), Dyanna Noland (Disease), Milton Vaclav (Disease), Grier Noland (Disease), Vladimir Noland (Disease), Pietra Noland (Disease), Ulberto Noland (Disease), Leopold Vaclav (Disease), Rayner Vaclav (Disease), Udell Noland (Disease), Kaari Gilles (Disease), Dael Gilles (Disease), Theda Gilles (Disease), Mahala Gilles (Disease), Harald Gilles (Disease), Shamus Zollie (Disease), Sander Noland (Disease), Edward Vaclav (Infancy), Joaquin Zollie (Infancy), Torrin Vaclav (Murder), Brittan Gilles (Disease), Francesco Noland (Disease), Bradly Aldis (Disease), Quintus Noland (Disease), Faun Noland (Disease), Quincey Noland (Disease), Beowulf Noland (Disease), Blinnie Noland (Disease), Gonzalo Noland (Disease), Melody Gilles (Disease), Bailie Vaclav (Disease), Valli Noland (Infancy), Flor Vaclav (Infancy), Mada Noland (Infancy), Joan Noland (Natural causes), Charissa Noland (Suicide), Joan Vaclav (Freak accident), Flor Noland (Infancy), Capt. Taber Gilles (Murder), Fanni Noland (Natural causes)
Murders: list all 15...
Hermann Aldis (in the year 365 by Corbin Vaclav), Corbin Vaclav (in the year 365 by Ron Vaclav), Ron Vaclav (in the year 365 by Ron Vaclav), Rene Vaclav (in the year 367 by Kevin Vaclav), Hermann Aldis (in the year 378 by Pierce Noland), Pierce Noland (in the year 378 by Batholomew Gilles), Daffy Noland (in the year 379 by Walt Noland), Batholomew Gilles (in the year 379 by Alejandro Noland), Alejandro Noland (in the year 379 by Rocky Noland), Quincey Noland (in the year 379 by Rocky Noland), Walt Noland (in the year 379 by Percy Noland), Clemence Noland (in the year 396 by Raimund Vaclav), Pembroke Gilles (in the year 404 by Torrin Vaclav), Torrin Vaclav (in the year 404 by Capt. Taber Gilles), Capt. Taber Gilles (in the year 406 by Wendell Vaclav)


326.   Tuscaloosa, Stantonville, was founded by Kevin Vaclav, Tammi Vaclav, Wilmar Noland, Michail Vaclav, Reid Noland, Clemence Vaclav, and Tammi Vaclav. 6 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 326: Wilmar Noland, Reid Noland, Kevin Vaclav, Clemence Vaclav, Michail Vaclav, and Tammi Vaclav.
329.   Kevin Vaclav started building a ship in Tuscaloosa.
332.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 332: Moses Noland, Starla Noland, Nancey Noland, Stillmann Noland, Sidonnie Noland, Meta Noland, and Moses Noland.
335.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 335: Robinet Noland.
337.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 337: Carly Vaclav.
338.   Kevin Vaclav built a ship in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville, which he christened the Elephantoid; this is the first ship that he has completed.
340.   1 resident(s) moved out of Tuscaloosa in 340: Robinet Noland.
342.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 342: Charissa Vaclav, and Amalie Vaclav.
343.   Kevin Vaclav is trying to gather up a group of people in Tuscaloosa for an expedition on the Elephantoid, which Kevin Vaclav has agreed to lead. Capt. Kevin Vaclav and Sidonnie Noland have boarded the Elephantoid from the port of Tuscaloosa, Stantonville; these two are the ship's only crew and passengers. The Elephantoid, under command of Capt. Kevin Vaclav, has left the harbor at Tuscaloosa, Stantonville. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 343: Ephrem Vaclav, and Fanni Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Sidonnie Noland, Capt. Kevin Vaclav, and Carly Vaclav.
344.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 344: Rayner Noland, Marline Noland, Somerset Noland, Jabez Noland, and Dwight Noland.
345.   1 resident(s) moved out of Tuscaloosa in 345: Rayner Noland.
346.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 346: Leon Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Charissa Vaclav, and Amalie Vaclav.
347.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 347: Quentin Vaclav.
349.   1 resident(s) moved out of Tuscaloosa in 349: Leon Vaclav.
350.   Wilmar Noland, who in 326 founded Tuscaloosa along with 6 others, died in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville, of natural causes; he was 63 years old.
351.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 351: Rayner Noland.
352.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 352: Batholomew Gilles. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Rayner Noland.
353.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 353: Alejandro Vaclav, Brooks Vaclav, and Jared Vaclav.
354.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 354: Pietra Noland, Walt Vaclav, Thornton Vaclav, and La Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jared Vaclav.
355.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 355: Tamma Noland, Orazio Vaclav, Jordan Vaclav, Udell Vaclav, and Templeton Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Alejandro Vaclav.
356.   11 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 356: Glennie Noland, Valli Noland, Dane Noland, Rayner Noland, Lurline Noland, Suellen Vaclav, Yale Vaclav, Kelwin Vaclav, Sibley Vaclav, Concettina Vaclav, and Valenka Vaclav.
357.   Michail Vaclav, who in 326 founded Tuscaloosa along with 6 others, died in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville, of natural causes; he was 61 years old. The settlements of Tuscaloosa and Sunrise are consolidating; since it's the biggest town and the economic center of the area, Tuscaloosa will absorb the other settlements. Tuscaloosa has annexed Sunrise. 13 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 357: Percy Noland, Ashlie Noland, Sheila-Kathryn Noland, Davidde Noland, Aggie Noland, Quincey Noland, Rubi Vaclav, Keith Vaclav, Jabez Vaclav, Jack Vaclav, Jordan Vaclav, Merlin Vaclav, and Bartolomei Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jabez Noland.
358.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 358: Helmuth Aldis, Starla Aldis, and Zola Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Somerset Noland, Rayner Noland, Lurline Noland, Quincey Noland, Yale Vaclav, and Concettina Vaclav.
359.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 359: Barthel Vaclav, and Nicolle Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Clemence Noland, Moses Noland, Kendall Noland, Agamemnon Noland, Dick Noland, Tedmund Vaclav, Orazio Vaclav, Udell Vaclav, Templeton Vaclav, and Jordan Vaclav.
360.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 360: Somerset Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Xena Noland, Dwight Noland, Thornton Vaclav, Helmuth Vaclav, Tamma Vaclav, Rubi Vaclav, Keith Vaclav, Jabez Vaclav, Jack Vaclav, and Mureil Vaclav.
361.   9 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 361: Hermann Aldis, Jobyna Aldis, Fanni Aldis, Hermann Aldis, Emanuel Noland, Dyanna Noland, Raimund Vaclav, Michaella Vaclav, and Daryl Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Somerset Noland.
362.   15 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 362: Quincey Noland, Silvia Noland, Kathryne Noland, Flor Noland, Capt. Kevin Vaclav, Dinny Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Jens Vaclav, Lizette Vaclav, Carree Vaclav, Randi Vaclav, Ron Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Duncan Vaclav, and Kylynn Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Valli Noland, Suellen Vaclav, Doralynn Vaclav, Barthel Vaclav, and Nicolle Vaclav.
363.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 363: Suellen Vaclav, Doralynn Vaclav, Prescott Vaclav, and Jordan Vaclav.
364.   Fanni Vaclav started building a ship in Tuscaloosa. 3 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 364: Corbin Vaclav, Codie Vaclav, and Micki Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Dane Noland, Starla Noland, Gonzalo Noland, and Stillmann Noland.
365.   Reid Noland, who in 326 founded Tuscaloosa along with 6 others, died in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville, of natural causes; he was 61 years old. Corbin Vaclav murdered 34-year-old Hermann Aldis in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville. This was his third victim. Hermann Aldis was murdered in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville by Corbin Vaclav; he was 34 years old. Ron Vaclav murdered Corbin Vaclav in an act of revenge. Ron Vaclav murdered Ron Vaclav in an act of revenge. This was his second victim. 11 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 365: Davon Noland, Reggie Noland, Silvia Noland, Quincey Noland, Blinnie Noland, Jabez Noland, Valery Noland, Carmel Noland, Rocky Noland, Blinnie Noland, and Simon Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Quincey Noland, Merlin Vaclav, and Prescott Vaclav.
366.   10 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 366: Ulberto Noland, Jabez Vaclav, Jodie Vaclav, Kevin Vaclav, Elton Vaclav, Oneida Vaclav, Rene Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Nelli Vaclav, and Carita Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Quincey Noland, Blinnie Noland, Joel Noland, and Simon Vaclav.
367.   Kevin Vaclav murdered 25-year-old Rene Vaclav in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville. Rene Vaclav was murdered in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville by Kevin Vaclav; he was 25 years old. 4 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 367: Clemence Noland, Kendall Noland, Dick Noland, and Agamemnon Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Starla Aldis, Emanuel Noland, Dyanna Noland, Silvia Noland, Modesty Noland, Kinna Noland, Claire Noland, Martin Noland, Davon Noland, Silvia Noland, Ulberto Noland, Tammi Vaclav, Brooks Vaclav, and Bartolomei Vaclav.
368.   Fanni Vaclav built a ship in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville, which she christened the Authorial; this is the first ship that she has completed. 5 resident(s) moved out of Tuscaloosa in 368: Sheila-Kathryn Noland, Agamemnon Noland, Jordan Vaclav, Codie Vaclav, and Jodie Vaclav.
370.   Capt. Kevin Vaclav, who in 326 founded Tuscaloosa along with 6 others, died in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville, of natural causes; he was 74 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 370: Quincey Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Flor Noland, Daryl Vaclav, Suellen Vaclav, Doralynn Vaclav, and Barbara Vaclav.
371.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 371: Martie Aldis, Shilpa Aldis, Rayner Noland, Adaline Noland, and Helmuth Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jobyna Aldis, Starla Noland, Jabez Noland, Valery Noland, Blinnie Noland, Sela Noland, Casi Noland, Kippie Noland, and Quincey Noland.
372.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 372: Quincey Noland, Evangeline Noland, Ulberto Noland, Marcela Noland, Joan Noland, and Reynolds Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Felicity Noland, Kendall Noland, Dick Noland, Nancey Noland, and Micki Vaclav.
373.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 373: Agamemnon Noland, Concettina Noland, Chadd Noland, Dick Noland, Clemence Noland, and Shawn Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Zola Vaclav, and Helmuth Vaclav.
374.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 374: Jodie Aldis, Keith Noland, Maximilian Noland, and Quincey Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Hermann Aldis, Rayner Noland, and Adaline Noland.
375.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 375: Silvia Noland, Kinna Noland, Pierce Noland, Kelsi Noland, Martin Noland, Starla Vaclav, and Federico Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ulberto Noland, Valenka Vaclav, Reynolds Vaclav, and Shawn Vaclav.
376.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 376: Yale Vaclav, Simon Vaclav, Carmen Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, and Blinnie Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Agamemnon Noland, Concettina Noland, Chadd Noland, Clemence Noland, Giovanna Noland, Charline Noland, Sibley Vaclav, Joann Vaclav, and Kaleb Vaclav.
377.   The settlements of Tuscaloosa and Barkhamsted are consolidating; since it's the biggest town and the economic center of the area, Tuscaloosa will absorb the other settlements. Tuscaloosa has annexed Barkhamsted. 15 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 377: Jobyna Aldis, Hermann Aldis, Doralynn Aldis, Rayner Noland, Kendall Noland, Starla Noland, Felicity Noland, Nancey Noland, Walt Noland, Harold Noland, Francesco Noland, Lukas Vaclav, Ciel Vaclav, Micki Vaclav, and Suellen Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Nancey Noland, Moses Noland, Martie Noland, Quincey Noland, Evangeline Noland, and Federico Vaclav.
378.   Pierce Noland murdered 21-year-old Hermann Aldis in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville. Hermann Aldis was murdered in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville by Pierce Noland; he was 21 years old. Batholomew Gilles murdered Pierce Noland in an act of revenge. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 378: Agamemnon Noland, and Chadd Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Juliet Aldis, Bradly Aldis, Fanni Noland, and Dick Noland.
379.   Walt Noland murdered 16-year-old Daffy Noland in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville. Daffy Noland was murdered in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville by Walt Noland; he was 16 years old. Alejandro Noland murdered Batholomew Gilles in an act of revenge. Rocky Noland murdered Alejandro Noland in an act of revenge. Quincey Noland attempted to murder Rocky Noland as revenge for the latter's murder of Alejandro Noland, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. Rocky Noland killed 19-year-old Quincey Noland in self-defense in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his second victim. Quincey Noland was killed in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville by Rocky Noland, who was acting in self-defense; he was 19 years old. Percy Noland murdered Walt Noland in an act of revenge. 3 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 379: Tore Noland, Hebert Vaclav, and Kathryne Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jobyna Aldis, Carita Vaclav, Yale Vaclav, Simon Vaclav, Carmen Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, and Blinnie Vaclav.
380.   Lukas Vaclav is trying to gather up a group of people in Tuscaloosa for an expedition on the Authorial, which Lukas Vaclav has agreed to lead. Marilu Vaclav, Glennie Vaclav, Beverie Vaclav, Ranice Vaclav, Duncan Vaclav, Capt. Lukas Vaclav, Tatum Vaclav, Nelli Vaclav, Ciel Vaclav, Pacifica Noland, Michaella Vaclav, Rayner Noland, Kathryne Vaclav, Jodie Vaclav, Elton Vaclav, Lynn Vaclav, Tallie Noland, Doralynn Aldis, Salvador Noland, Kylynn Vaclav, Kaleb Vaclav, Agamemnon Noland, Chadd Noland, Lisette Vaclav, Micki Vaclav, Clemence Noland, Kelsi Noland, Raimund Vaclav, Moses Noland, Denice Gilles, Suellen Vaclav, Starla Vaclav, Aggie Noland, Kerry Noland, and Sebastiano Noland have boarded the Authorial from the port of Tuscaloosa, Stantonville. The Authorial, under command of Capt. Lukas Vaclav, has left the harbor at Tuscaloosa, Stantonville. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 380: Woodie Vaclav, and Carita Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Doralynn Aldis, Denice Gilles, Moses Noland, Pacifica Noland, Tallie Noland, Aggie Noland, Salvador Noland, Kerry Noland, Jodie Noland, Clemence Noland, Sebastiano Noland, Kelsi Noland, Rayner Noland, Agamemnon Noland, Chadd Noland, Tore Noland, Lynn Vaclav, Glennie Vaclav, Michaella Vaclav, Ranice Vaclav, Kathryne Vaclav, Duncan Vaclav, Kylynn Vaclav, Raimund Vaclav, Elton Vaclav, Nelli Vaclav, Tatum Vaclav, Starla Vaclav, Beverie Vaclav, Capt. Lukas Vaclav, Ciel Vaclav, Jodie Vaclav, Micki Vaclav, Suellen Vaclav, Marilu Vaclav, Lisette Vaclav, Hebert Vaclav, and Kathryne Vaclav.
381.   8 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 381: Charissa Noland, Pavia Noland, Quincey Noland, Dode Noland, Sibley Vaclav, Joann Vaclav, Sibley Vaclav, and Kaleb Vaclav.
382.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 382: Jobyna Aldis, Gonzalo Noland, and Hebert Vaclav.
383.   12 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 383: Fremont Noland, Moses Noland, Abbe Noland, Rina Noland, Tan Noland, Carree Noland, Tonnie Noland, Reynolds Vaclav, La Vaclav, Udell Vaclav, La Vaclav, and Zola Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Wilmar Vaclav, and Carita Vaclav.
384.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 384: Simon Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Moses Noland, Abbe Noland, Rina Noland, Carree Noland, and Tonnie Noland.
385.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 385: Emanuel Noland, Ellette Noland, and Emanuel Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Carmel Noland, Kendall Noland, Carmel Noland, Sibley Vaclav, and Joann Vaclav.
386.   Clemence Noland, who in 326 founded Tuscaloosa along with 6 others, died aboard the Authorial, which had become lost at sea; she was 64 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 386: Flem Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Shilpa Aldis, Emanuel Noland, Ellette Noland, Emanuel Noland, and Kaleb Vaclav.
387.   9 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 387: Claire Noland, Hendrik Noland, Concettina Noland, Charline Noland, Jordan Noland, Clemence Noland, Giovanna Noland, Jack Vaclav, and Harold Vaclav.
388.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 388: Valli Noland, and Gerhardt Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Pietra Noland, Maximilian Noland, Gonzalo Noland, Tan Noland, Simon Vaclav, Jack Vaclav, and Harold Vaclav.
389.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 389: Simon Vaclav, and Shurlock Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Reynolds Vaclav.
390.   12 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 390: Martie Noland, Dru Noland, Starla Noland, Ulberto Noland, Roni Noland, Joel Noland, Arleen Noland, Flor Noland, Hazel Vaclav, Joann Vaclav, Amelie Vaclav, and Capt. Randolf Zollie.
391.   Tammi Vaclav, who in 326 founded Tuscaloosa along with 6 others, died in Parsons, Stantonville, of natural causes; she was 90 years old. 4 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 391: Bradly Aldis, Jabez Noland, Mireielle Noland, and Harold Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Dari Noland, Nancey Noland, Harold Noland, Wang Vaclav, Marcela Vaclav, Arie Vaclav, Giovanna Vaclav, Simon Vaclav, and Shurlock Vaclav.
392.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 392: Jared Vaclav.
393.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 393: Raimund Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jabez Noland, Mireielle Noland, Starla Vaclav, Hebert Vaclav, and Jared Vaclav.
394.   2 resident(s) moved out of Tuscaloosa in 394: Hermann Aldis, and Ulberto Noland.
395.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 395: Tammie Gilles, and Barbara Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jobyna Aldis.
396.   Clemence Noland attempted to murder Raimund Vaclav, but failed and was herself killed. Raimund Vaclav killed 25-year-old Clemence Noland in self-defense in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. Clemence Noland was killed in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville by Raimund Vaclav, who was acting in self-defense; she was 25 years old. There is talk of the settlements of Babbie, Scotlandand Tuscaloosa consolidating. 5 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 396: Shurlock Vaclav, Templeton Vaclav, Joan Vaclav, Leopold Vaclav, and Marcela Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Harold Noland, Nancey Zollie, and Capt. Randolf Zollie.
397.   Kinna Vaclav started building a ship in Tuscaloosa. The settlements of Tuscaloosa, Clyde Hill, and Babbie are consolidating; since it's the biggest town and the economic center of the area, Tuscaloosa will absorb the other settlements. Tuscaloosa has annexed Clyde Hill. Tuscaloosa has annexed Babbie. 56 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 397: Kathie Noland, Rafaela Noland, Ellyn Noland, Fanni Noland, Rodger Noland, Tildy Noland, Carmen Noland, Dick Noland, Tore Noland, Aldis Noland, Carree Noland, Rina Noland, Abbe Noland, Dawn Noland, Joel Noland, Grier Noland, Janella Noland, Quincey Noland, Tedmund Noland, Denny Noland, Jabez Noland, Jonathon Noland, Barbara Noland, Barbara Noland, Carmen Noland, Miran Noland, Jobyna Noland, Tore Noland, Joel Noland, Rockwell Noland, Stillmann Noland, Sidonia Noland, Rockwell Noland, Sidonia Noland, Spencer Noland, Blinnie Vaclav, Prescott Vaclav, Ellette Vaclav, Milton Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Lindie Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Faun Vaclav, Blaine Vaclav, Costa Vaclav, Silvia Vaclav, Jerrome Vaclav, Roy Vaclav, Bartolomei Vaclav, Blinnie Vaclav, Geoffrey Vaclav, Keith Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Viviene Vaclav, Hebert Vaclav, and Starla Vaclav.
398.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 398: Tan Noland, and Jared Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Amabelle Noland, Truman Noland, Tildy Noland, Tore Noland, Carree Noland, Silvia Noland, Tore Noland, Rockwell Noland, Rockwell Noland, Valli Vaclav, Roy Vaclav, Geoffrey Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, and Viviene Vaclav.
399.   The settlements of Tuscaloosa and Scotland are consolidating; since it's the biggest town and the economic center of the area, Tuscaloosa will absorb the other settlements. Tuscaloosa has annexed Scotland. 6 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 399: Emanuel Noland, Emanuel Noland, Ellette Noland, Torrin Vaclav, Arie Vaclav, and Nancey Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jonathon Noland, Barbara Noland, Barbara Noland, Carly Noland, Pavia Vaclav, Hazel Vaclav, Vin Vaclav, Leopold Vaclav, and Hebert Vaclav.
400.   13 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 400: Ulberto Noland, Beowulf Noland, Blaine Noland, Kippie Noland, Blinnie Noland, Tedmund Vaclav, Antonia Vaclav, Wendell Vaclav, Mandy Vaclav, Catlee Vaclav, Cordie Vaclav, Danny Vaclav, and Margit Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Tan Noland, Emanuel Noland, and Udell Vaclav.
401.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 401: Wilmar Vaclav, Mireielle Vaclav, Leopold Vaclav, and Modesty Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Tammie Gilles, Barbara Noland, Rafaela Noland, Stillmann Noland, Spencer Noland, Emanuel Noland, Arie Vaclav, and Nancey Vaclav.
402.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 402: Kaleb Vaclav, Rayner Vaclav, Risa Vaclav, Addie Vaclav, and Christ Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Harcourt Gilles, La Gilles, Keith Vaclav, Wilmar Vaclav, and Mireielle Vaclav.
404.   Carnegiea is now docked at Tuscaloosa, on Stantonville. Torrin Vaclav murdered 35-year-old Pembroke Gilles in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville. Pembroke Gilles was murdered in Tuscaloosa, Stantonville by Torrin Vaclav; he was 35 years old. Capt. Taber Gilles murdered Torrin Vaclav in an act of revenge.
405.   Wendell Vaclav attempted to murder Capt. Taber Gilles as revenge for the latter's murder of Torrin Vaclav, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 96 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 405: Flem Aldis, Jordan Aldis, Capt. Taber Gilles, Brenda Gilles, Thor Gilles, Van Gilles, Magna Gilles, Renado Gilles, Tremain Gilles, Micheline Gilles, Hanny Gilles, Florentia Gilles, Goose Gilles, Fletch Gilles, Adore Gilles, Jeralee Gilles, Max Gilles, Moses Noland, Joan Noland, Martin Noland, Fremont Noland, Shantee Noland, Claire Noland, Charline Noland, Harlan Noland, Charissa Noland, Arleen Noland, Tobias Noland, Flor Noland, Lurline Noland, Blaire Noland, Fay Noland, Dorie Noland, Rahul Noland, Ellyn Noland, Fanni Noland, Rodger Noland, Carmen Noland, Charissa Noland, Abbe Noland, Joel Noland, Tedmund Noland, Carmen Noland, Joel Noland, Dru Noland, Felicity Noland, Moses Noland, Ellette Noland, Batholomew Noland, Blaine Noland, Rina Noland, Kippie Noland, Sidonia Noland, Sidonia Noland, Myrle Noland, Robb Noland, Glennie Noland, Ignazio Vaclav, Zola Vaclav, Vic Vaclav, Joann Vaclav, Kevina Vaclav, Amelie Vaclav, Linet Vaclav, Raimund Vaclav, Shurlock Vaclav, Joan Vaclav, Marcela Vaclav, Blinnie Vaclav, Prescott Vaclav, Costa Vaclav, Blinnie Vaclav, Jobyna Vaclav, Staford Vaclav, Dion Vaclav, Tedmund Vaclav, Antonia Vaclav, Wendell Vaclav, Catlee Vaclav, Bartolomei Vaclav, Margit Vaclav, Modesty Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Kaleb Vaclav, Rayner Vaclav, Risa Vaclav, Christ Vaclav, Eba Vaclav, Mohan Vaclav, Lorettalorna Vaclav, Dudley Vaclav, Amaleta Vaclav, Shamus Zollie, Demetria Zollie, Michaelina Zollie, and Margi Zollie.
406.   Wendell Vaclav murdered Capt. Taber Gilles in an act of revenge. 7 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 406: Jonathon Noland, Carly Noland, Daisi Noland, Barbara Noland, Wilmar Vaclav, Mireielle Vaclav, and Kiele Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Staford Vaclav.
407.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Tuscaloosa in 407: Jabez Noland, Charissa Noland, Jabez Noland, Whitman Noland, and Blaine Vaclav.