Est. 324

Scituate is a tiny settlement on the island of New Waterford, Diol, that was founded in the year 324.


Island: New Waterford
Coast: Inland
Area: 0.02 square miles


Founded: 324
Founders: Allen Shumeet, Neall Shumeet, Mellie Shumeet, Allen Shumeet, Terri Shumeet, Jenine Shumeet, Mellie Shumeet, Neall Shumeet, Terri Shumeet, Jenine Shumeet, Allen Shumeet
Annexed: None


Ships in port: None


Houses: Shumeet House, Shumeet House, Shumeet House


Population: no one since 391
Highest-ever population: 9 (in 328)


Residents: None
Died here: Knox Shumeet (Infancy), Deina Shumeet (Infancy), Flynn Shumeet (Infancy), Lorita Shumeet (Freak accident), Mellie Shumeet (Suicide), Allen Shumeet (Natural causes), Allen Shumeet (Suicide), Jenine Shumeet (Natural causes), Neall Shumeet (Suicide), Terri Shumeet (Natural causes)
Murders: None


324.   Scituate, New Waterford, was founded by Allen Shumeet, Neall Shumeet, Mellie Shumeet, Allen Shumeet, Terri Shumeet, Jenine Shumeet, Mellie Shumeet, Neall Shumeet, Terri Shumeet, Jenine Shumeet, and Allen Shumeet. 7 newcomer(s) moved to Scituate in 324: Allen Shumeet, Mellie Shumeet, Terri Shumeet, Neall Shumeet, Jenine Shumeet, Allen Shumeet, and Lorita Shumeet.
335.   Mellie Shumeet, who in 324 founded Scituate along with 10 others, took her own life in Scituate, New Waterford; she was 47 years old.
342.   Allen Shumeet, who in 324 founded Scituate along with 10 others, died in Scituate, New Waterford, of natural causes; he was 57 years old. Allen Shumeet, who in 324 founded Scituate along with 10 others, took his own life in Scituate, New Waterford; he was 19 years old.
358.   1 resident(s) moved out of Scituate in 358: Lizette Shumeet.
372.   1 resident(s) moved out of Scituate in 372: Filide Shumeet.
375.   Jenine Shumeet, who in 324 founded Scituate along with 10 others, died in Scituate, New Waterford, of natural causes; she was 58 years old. Neall Shumeet, who in 324 founded Scituate along with 10 others, took his own life in Scituate, New Waterford; he was 55 years old.
392.   Terri Shumeet, who in 324 founded Scituate along with 10 others, died in Scituate, New Waterford, of natural causes; she was 73 years old.