Est. 337

Middlefield is a small settlement on the island of Diomede, Diol, that was founded in the year 337.


Island: Diomede
Coast: South
Area: 1.07 square miles


Languages: Aniumustpyrx, Monedusus


Founded: 337
Annexed: Killen


Ships in port: None
Former ships: None



Population: 14
Highest-ever population: 43 (in 368)


Former residents who moved away: list all 128...
Sergei Vaclav, Fonz Vaclav, Maynard Vaclav, Linette Vaclav, Micheline Vaclav, Capt. Nathanael Zollie, Maynard Vaclav, Rey Prasun, Stillman Vaclav, Micheline Vaclav, Bartlet Quinn, Chev Prasun, Meryl Prasun, Carmelle Prasun, Rey Prasun, Maynard Vaclav, Mika Vaclav, Rey Prasun, Myra Vaclav, Maynard Vaclav, Cary Vaclav, Linette Vaclav, Lorianne Vaclav, Kassi Vaclav, West Vaclav, Hugh Vaclav, Rey Prasun, Nari Shumeet, Alysa Vaclav, Wait Prasun, Capt. Fabio Gilles, Hartwell Vaclav, Kurt Prasun, Brice Prasun, Melantha Gilles, Moises Prasun, Fawna Vaclav, Dareen Prasun, Bart Vaclav, Amanda Vaclav, Rea Shumeet, Tuckie Gilles, Genvieve Quinn, Ivor Vaclav, Lorianne Vaclav, Lowell Prasun, Romona Zollie, Vivien Shumeet, Rey Prasun, Bert Gilles, Hugh Vaclav, Kurt Prasun, Ula Vaclav, Nari Zollie, Nari Shumeet, Alysa Vaclav, Martainn Gilles, Ruella Gilles, Wait Prasun, Hartwell Vaclav, Micheline Vaclav, Veronika Vaclav, Peggi Vaclav, Kinna Gilles, Margy Prasun, Maynard Vaclav, Zara Shumeet, Mehetabel Aldis, Tye Vaclav, Hansel Vaclav, Moises Prasun, Sean Vaclav, Maynard Vaclav, Hansel Vaclav, Lowell Prasun, Abbey Myke, Benetta Myke, Florida Vaclav, Hugh Vaclav, Megan Prasun, Hugo Myke, Ki Myke, Romonda Noland, Maynard Vaclav, Cammie Vaclav, Quintilla Vaclav, Sorcha Gilles, Nester Noland, Linette Vaclav, Rea Shumeet, Jeramie Prasun, Janna Prasun, Robbi Prasun, Tomlin Shumeet, Nari Shumeet, Gerrard Shumeet, Jerri Shumeet, Myra Vaclav, Bart Vaclav, Amanda Vaclav, Ransom Prasun, Sorcha Gilles, Amanda Vaclav, Christean Prasun, Sabina Prasun, Clarance Prasun, Dareen Prasun, Nari Prasun, Nari Vaclav, Myra Vaclav, Susi Shumeet, Susi Vaclav, Gwennie Vaclav, Wilson Shumeet, Brice Shumeet, Crissie Shumeet, Bart Vaclav, Ula Vaclav, Cammie Vaclav, Pablo Prasun, Rosina Prasun, Cammie Vaclav, Gabriello Vaclav, Hill Prasun, Maynard Vaclav, Annabelle Vaclav, Brice Vaclav, Mika Prasun
Died here: list all 55...
Nissie Zollie (Natural causes), Ethel Noland (Natural causes), Jan Gilles (Infancy), Jorry Gilles (Infancy), Ethel Gilles (Infancy), Rey Prasun (Murder), Gretchen Gilles (Freak accident), Anne-Mar Gilles (Natural causes), Amara Quinn (Natural causes), Elie Gilles (Infancy), Torey Prasun (Infancy), Rory Prasun (Infancy), Pablo Gilles (Infancy), Lois Zollie (Natural causes), Bartlet Quinn (Infancy), Martyn Prasun (Infancy), Romona Prasun (Suicide), Liane Prasun (Natural causes), Kassi Gilles (Natural causes), Ellynn Myke (Infancy), Josie Gilles (Natural causes), West Vaclav (Murder), Micheline Vaclav (Infancy), Fawna Prasun (Infancy), Rey Myke (Infancy), Jeanna Vaclav (Infancy), Ardis Prasun (Infancy), Fabio Gilles (Natural causes), Uli Prasun (Murder), Ursala Prasun (Disease), Myra Vaclav (Disease), Rudolfo Prasun (Disease), Maynard Prasun (Suicide), Linette Vaclav (Natural causes), Rori Vaclav (Natural causes), Caty Vaclav (Natural causes), Brice Prasun (Natural causes), Genvieve Vaclav (Infancy), Merlin Prasun (Infancy), Trever Prasun (Murder), Ilise Prasun (Infancy), Merlin Prasun (Murder), Harriet Prasun (Murder), Yancy Vaclav (Murder), Quintilla Vaclav (Murder), Caty Prasun (Infancy), Silas Vaclav (Murder), Caty Vaclav (Infancy), Lacey Prasun (Infancy), Steffane Prasun (Infancy), Mika Vaclav (Infancy), Mika Prasun (Infancy), Giovanne Aldis (Infancy), Sonnie Vaclav (Infancy), Costa Vaclav (Infancy)
Murders: Rey Prasun (in the year 350 by Josie Gilles), West Vaclav (in the year 374 by Ula Vaclav), Uli Prasun (in the year 377 by Caty Vaclav), Trever Prasun (in the year 386 by Christean Prasun), Merlin Prasun (in the year 386 by Christean Prasun), Harriet Prasun (in the year 387 by Amanda Vaclav), Yancy Vaclav (in the year 392 by Quintilla Vaclav), Quintilla Vaclav (in the year 392 by Silas Vaclav), Silas Vaclav (in the year 392 by Silas Vaclav)


337.   Middlefield, Diomede, was founded by Rori Quinn, Fabio Gilles, Linette Zollie, Lois Zollie, Nissie Zollie, Liane Prasun, Anne-Mar Gilles, Romona Quinn, Josie Gilles, Amara Quinn, Ethel Noland, Nathanael Zollie, Ruella Quinn, and Romona Quinn. 15 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 337: Fabio Gilles, Anne-Mar Gilles, Josie Gilles, Ethel Noland, Liane Prasun, Rori Quinn, Amara Quinn, Ruella Quinn, Romona Quinn, Bartlet Quinn, Linette Zollie, Nathanael Zollie, Lois Zollie, Nissie Zollie, and Micheline Zollie.
338.   Nissie Zollie, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died in Middlefield, Diomede, of natural causes; she was 69 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 338: Sergei Vaclav.
339.   Ethel Noland, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died in Middlefield, Diomede, of natural causes; she was 63 years old.
340.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 340: Maynard Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Sergei Vaclav.
341.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 341: Fonz Vaclav.
342.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 342: Rey Prasun, Kassi Prasun, Lowell Prasun, Rey Prasun, and Rey Prasun.
343.   1 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 343: Fonz Vaclav.
344.   4 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 344: Linette Vaclav, Maynard Vaclav, Nathanael Zollie, and Micheline Zollie.
350.   Josie Gilles murdered 36-year-old Rey Prasun in Middlefield, Diomede. Rey Prasun was murdered in Middlefield, Diomede by Josie Gilles; he was 36 years old.
351.   There is talk of the town of Middlefield, Diomede, expanding or else consolidating with its adjacent settlements.
353.   9 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 353: Maynard Vaclav, Linette Vaclav, Lorianne Vaclav, West Vaclav, Stillman Vaclav, Cary Vaclav, Maynard Vaclav, Kassi Vaclav, and Micheline Zollie. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Rey Prasun.
354.   Due to its lack of open plots on which new residents might build their homes, the town of Middlefield, Diomede, has claimed an area of open adjacent land that it will expand onto. 2 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 354: Micheline Vaclav, and Stillman Vaclav.
355.   Anne-Mar Gilles, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died in Middlefield, Diomede, of natural causes; she was 78 years old. 3 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 355: Chev Prasun, Carmelle Prasun, and Meryl Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Bartlet Quinn.
356.   Amara Quinn, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died in Middlefield, Diomede, of natural causes; she was 61 years old. 3 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 356: Chev Prasun, Carmelle Prasun, and Meryl Prasun.
358.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 358: Brice Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Rey Prasun.
359.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 359: Mika Vaclav.
360.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 360: Rey Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Maynard Vaclav.
361.   Lois Zollie, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died in Middlefield, Diomede, of natural causes; she was 61 years old. 10 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 361: Rey Prasun, Myra Prasun, Nari Prasun, Yancy Vaclav, Caty Vaclav, Amanda Vaclav, Cammie Vaclav, Rosina Vaclav, Hartwell Vaclav, and Sean Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Mika Vaclav.
362.   2 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 362: Rey Prasun, and Myra Prasun.
363.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 363: Ivor Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Maynard Vaclav, Linette Vaclav, Lorianne Vaclav, West Vaclav, Cary Vaclav, Kassi Vaclav, and Hugh Vaclav.
364.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 364: Kurt Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Rey Prasun, Nari Prasun, and Wait Prasun.
365.   1 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 365: Fabio Gilles.
366.   Romona Prasun, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, took her own life in Middlefield, Diomede; she was 33 years old. 5 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 366: Maynard Vaclav, Hugh Vaclav, Lorianne Vaclav, Bart Vaclav, and Linette Vaclav.
367.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 367: Uli Prasun, Moises Prasun, and Fawna Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Hartwell Vaclav.
368.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Diomede, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Liane Prasun has decided to start building a ship in Middlefield, so that at least some of the displaced people of Diomede may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Liane Prasun started building a ship in Middlefield. Liane Prasun, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died in Middlefield, Diomede, of natural causes; she was 92 years old. 9 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 368: Rey Prasun, Wait Prasun, Alysa Prasun, Ula Prasun, Nari Prasun, Dareen Prasun, Cammie Prasun, Nari Prasun, and Genvieve Quinn. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Brice Prasun, and Kurt Prasun.
369.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 369: Abbey Myke. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Melantha Gilles, Rea Prasun, Moises Prasun, Fawna Prasun, Amanda Vaclav, and Bart Vaclav.
370.   1 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 370: Tuckie Gilles.
371.   There is talk of the settlements of Middlefield and Killen consolidating. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 371: Kurt Prasun, and Caresse Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Genvieve Quinn, Ivor Vaclav, and Lorianne Vaclav.
372.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 372: Peggi Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Lowell Prasun, Romona Prasun, and Vivien Prasun.
373.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 373: West Vaclav, Fiorenze Vaclav, Myra Vaclav, Rosina Vaclav, and Linette Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Bert Gilles, and Rey Prasun.
374.   Josie Gilles, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died in Middlefield, Diomede, of natural causes; she was 66 years old. Ula Prasun murdered her 27-year-old cousin West Vaclav in Middlefield, Diomede. West Vaclav was murdered in Middlefield, Diomede by his cousin Ula Prasun; he was 27 years old. 2 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 374: Kurt Prasun, and Hugh Vaclav.
375.   2 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 375: Ula Prasun, and Nari Prasun.
376.   There is talk of the settlements of Middlefield and Killen consolidating. 5 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 376: Ruella Gilles, Martainn Gilles, Wait Prasun, Alysa Prasun, and Nari Prasun.
377.   Fabio Gilles, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died in Middlefield, Diomede, of natural causes; he was 60 years old. Caty Vaclav murdered 27-year-old Uli Prasun in Middlefield, Diomede. Uli Prasun was murdered in Middlefield, Diomede by Caty Vaclav; he was 27 years old. Maynard Vaclav attempted to murder Caty Vaclav as revenge for the latter's murder of Uli Prasun, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. The settlements of Middlefield and Killen are consolidating; since it's the biggest town and the economic center of the area, Middlefield will absorb the other settlements. Middlefield has annexed Killen. 12 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 377: Moises Prasun, Margy Prasun, Maynard Prasun, Megan Prasun, Hugh Vaclav, Hartwell Vaclav, Maynard Vaclav, Hansel Vaclav, Micheline Vaclav, Zara Vaclav, Kinna Vaclav, and Veronika Vaclav.
378.   Maynard Vaclav attempted to murder Caty Vaclav as revenge for the latter's murder of Uli Prasun, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 1 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 378: Hartwell Vaclav.
379.   Linette Vaclav, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died in Middlefield, Diomede, of natural causes; she was 73 years old. Maynard Vaclav attempted to murder Caty Vaclav as revenge for the latter's murder of Uli Prasun, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 6 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 379: Brice Prasun, Sorcha Prasun, Trever Prasun, Meryl Prasun, Merlin Prasun, and Harriet Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Peggi Vaclav, Micheline Vaclav, Kinna Vaclav, and Veronika Vaclav.
380.   Rori Vaclav, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died in Middlefield, Diomede, of natural causes; she was 69 years old. 1 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 380: Margy Prasun.
381.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 381: Rea Prasun, Bart Vaclav, and Amanda Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Maynard Vaclav, Hansel Vaclav, Zara Vaclav, Tye Vaclav, and Mehetabel Vaclav.
382.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 382: Christean Prasun.
383.   Abbey Myke started building a ship in Middlefield. Sean Vaclav attempted to murder Moises Prasun, but failed. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 383: Lowell Prasun, and Hansel Vaclav.
384.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 384: Nester Noland, Tomlin Shumeet, Jerri Shumeet, Nari Shumeet, and Quintilla Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Benetta Myke, Abbey Myke, Hugo Myke, Florida Myke, Ki Myke, Moises Prasun, Lowell Prasun, Sean Vaclav, Hugh Vaclav, Megan Vaclav, Maynard Vaclav, Romonda Vaclav, and Hansel Vaclav.
385.   2 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 385: Cammie Prasun, and Maynard Vaclav.
386.   Christean Prasun murdered 17-year-old Trever Prasun in Middlefield, Diomede. Trever Prasun was murdered in Middlefield, Diomede by Christean Prasun; he was 17 years old. Merlin Prasun attempted to murder Christean Prasun as revenge for the latter's murder of Trever Prasun, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. Christean Prasun killed 21-year-old Merlin Prasun in self-defense in Middlefield, Diomede, after the latter tried to murder her. This was her second victim. Merlin Prasun was killed in Middlefield, Diomede by Christean Prasun, who was acting in self-defense; he was 21 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 386: Jeramie Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Nester Noland, Sorcha Prasun, and Quintilla Vaclav.
387.   Amanda Vaclav murdered 17-year-old Harriet Prasun in Middlefield, Diomede. Harriet Prasun was murdered in Middlefield, Diomede by Amanda Vaclav; she was 17 years old. 3 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 387: Sorcha Prasun, Sabina Prasun, and Silas Vaclav.
388.   4 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 388: Janna Prasun, Rea Prasun, Jeramie Prasun, and Linette Vaclav.
389.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 389: Ransom Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Tomlin Shumeet, Jerri Shumeet, Nari Shumeet, and Gerrard Shumeet.
390.   Capt. Nathanael Zollie, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died at sea aboard the Trentepohliaceous of natural causes; he was 61 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 390: Quintilla Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Myra Vaclav.
391.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 391: Susi Vaclav, and Gwennie Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ransom Prasun, Bart Vaclav, and Amanda Vaclav.
392.   Quintilla Vaclav murdered 59-year-old Yancy Vaclav in Middlefield, Diomede. Yancy Vaclav was murdered in Middlefield, Diomede by Quintilla Vaclav; he was 59 years old. Silas Vaclav murdered Quintilla Vaclav in an act of revenge. Silas Vaclav attempted to murder Silas Vaclav as revenge for the latter's murder of Quintilla Vaclav, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. Silas Vaclav killed 23-year-old Silas Vaclav in self-defense in Middlefield, Diomede, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his second victim. Silas Vaclav was killed in Middlefield, Diomede by Silas Vaclav, who was acting in self-defense; he was 23 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 392: Cammie Prasun. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Sorcha Prasun.
393.   4 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 393: Christean Prasun, Sabina Prasun, Clarance Prasun, and Amanda Vaclav.
394.   4 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 394: Dareen Prasun, Nari Prasun, Nari Vaclav, and Myra Vaclav.
395.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 395: Crissie Prasun, Pablo Prasun, Wilson Shumeet, Bart Vaclav, Ula Vaclav, and Maynard Vaclav.
396.   Ruella Gilles, who in 337 founded Middlefield along with 13 others, died in Dowelltown, Diomede, of natural causes; she was 60 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 396: Mariam Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Susi Vaclav.
397.   1 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 397: Susi Vaclav.
398.   3 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 398: Crissie Shumeet, Wilson Shumeet, and Gwennie Vaclav.
399.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 399: Micheline Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Rosina Prasun, Pablo Prasun, Cammie Vaclav, Bart Vaclav, and Ula Vaclav.
402.   2 resident(s) moved out of Middlefield in 402: Cammie Vaclav, and Gabriello Vaclav.
405.   16 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 405: Mariam Aldis, Otha Aldis, Rosina Prasun, Meryl Prasun, Mika Prasun, Naoma Prasun, Rosina Prasun, Quillan Prasun, Erek Prasun, Meryl Prasun, Annabelle Vaclav, Caresse Vaclav, Fiorenze Vaclav, Maynard Vaclav, Micheline Vaclav, and Brice Vaclav.
407.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Middlefield in 407: Rodolph Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Annabelle Vaclav, Maynard Vaclav, and Brice Vaclav.