Noland Lake
Est. 203

Noland Lake is a tiny settlement on the island of Stantonville, Diol, that was founded in the year 203.


Island: Stantonville
Coast: East
Area: 0.36 square miles


Languages: Aniumustpyrx, Centrevillean, Monedusus


Named for: Capt. Clem Noland
Founded: 203
Annexed: None


Ships in port: None
Former ships: 2



Population: 7
Highest-ever population: 75 (in 303)


Residents: Neale Vaclav, Amalie Vaclav, John-Patrick Noland, Enrika Noland, Morlee Aldis, Hermann Aldis, Helaina Vaclav
Former residents who moved away: list all 473...
Connor Aldis, Engelbart Aldis, Doralynn Vaclav, Doralynn Aldis, Tynan Vaclav, Walt Vaclav, Ashley Gilles, Tildy Noland, Edsel Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, Cathie Noland, Eddy Vaclav, Sawyer Aldis, Jermain Vaclav, Leroy Shumeet, Gretna Vaclav, Erin Shumeet, August Shumeet, Sawyer Aldis, Grethel Vaclav, Stillmann Vaclav, Walt Vaclav, La Aldis, Edsel Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, Laure Noland, Edsel Vaclav, Raimund Vaclav, Cathie Noland, Marline Vaclav, Wojciech Vaclav, Capt. Thacher Vaclav, Wynn Noland, Cosette Vaclav, Yale Aldis, Ewart Vaclav, Monique Aldis, Engelbart Aldis, Verla Aldis, Toddy Aldis, Ernaline Vaclav, Charles Vaclav, Demetrius Aldis, Connor Aldis, Doralynn Aldis, Flossi Vaclav, Amalie Vaclav, Milka Aldis, Lanny Vaclav, Murphy Vaclav, Annabella Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Maxim Vaclav, Grethel Aldis, August Aldis, Walton Vaclav, Sammy Vaclav, Capt. Gilbert Vaclav, Salomone Vaclav, Toddy Noland, Sidney Aldis, Ramsay Aldis, Leroy Shumeet, Lulu Vaclav, Cobb Vaclav, Lincoln Vaclav, Iain Noland, Dru Noland, Starla Noland, Jabez Noland, Ashley Gilles, Jephthah Gilles, Powell Noland, Marvin Vaclav, Rayner Aldis, Jodie Aldis, Suellen Vaclav, Kylie Vaclav, Shawn Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Edsel Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, Allys Gilles, Barbara Vaclav, Iain Noland, Cherin Vaclav, Matt Vaclav, Marvin Vaclav, Sidney Noland, Jephthah Gilles, Storm Noland, Griff Noland, Quincey Noland, Ellette Vaclav, Denice Aldis, Tan Noland, Blaire Noland, Flor Noland, Sidney Noland, Ellette Noland, Adrianna Noland, Britney Noland, Cathie Noland, Sidney Noland, Ashley Gilles, Quinlan Gilles, Concordia Noland, Barbara Noland, Iain Noland, Charissa Vaclav, Ashley Gilles, Charissa Noland, Nelson Vaclav, Stillmann Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, Salomone Vaclav, Wilmar Noland, August Shumeet, Jephthah Gilles, Nelson Vaclav, Ellette Vaclav, Marcos Vaclav, Quinlan Gilles, Ashley Gilles, Tildy Noland, Carolyne Noland, Hubert Vaclav, Carly Vaclav, Walt Vaclav, Raimund Vaclav, Tildy Shumeet, Lanny Noland, Rocky Noland, Mikhail Vaclav, Brenn Gilles, Nelson Vaclav, Edsel Noland, Sidney Noland, Matthus Noland, Jabez Noland, Dode Noland, Rayner Noland, Gonzalo Noland, Tammi Vaclav, Godfrey Shumeet, Jephthah Gilles, Matthus Noland, Dell Vaclav, Jehu Noland, Suellen Vaclav, Prescott Vaclav, Anetta Gilles, Sidney Vaclav, Ashley Gilles, Ingaberg Vaclav, Whittaker Noland, Barbara Noland, Lettie Aldis, Ephrem Gilles, Clareta Noland, Salvidor Noland, Walt Vaclav, Lelia Vaclav, Demetre Noland, Nevin Vaclav, Harold Vaclav, Moses Aldis, Kathryne Noland, Vittoria Vaclav, Helmuth Aldis, La Noland, Barbara Vaclav, Alisha Aldis, Esau Vaclav, Hubert Vaclav, Dacia Vaclav, Bengt Aldis, Flor Noland, Quentin Vaclav, Marcos Vaclav, Whittaker Noland, Barbara Noland, Wilmar Noland, Lettie Aldis, Ephrem Gilles, Lelia Vaclav, Ephrem Aldis, Hubert Vaclav, Scot Noland, Fanni Vaclav, Torrin Vaclav, Anna-Maria Vaclav, Jabez Vaclav, Ellette Vaclav, Percy Noland, Udell Noland, Cathleen Vaclav, Capt. Kevin Vaclav, Walt Vaclav, Whittaker Noland, Leon Vaclav, Reid Noland, Dinny Vaclav, Robinet Noland, Jordan Vaclav, Blinnie Vaclav, Blinnie Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Wilmar Noland, Prescott Vaclav, Ranice Vaclav, Shawn Vaclav, Birdie Aldis, Ephrem Vaclav, Martin Noland, Iain Noland, Kelwin Vaclav, Greer Vaclav, Waverly Noland, Starla Aldis, Skip Noland, Georgeanne Noland, Flor Noland, Cass Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Jordan Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, Dinny Vaclav, Doralynn Aldis, Orazio Vaclav, Jabez Vaclav, Ellette Vaclav, Martin Noland, Reggie Noland, Percy Noland, Dick Vaclav, Marquita Noland, Greer Aldis, Cass Vaclav, Birdie Aldis, Kelwin Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Thornton Vaclav, Ephrem Vaclav, Roanna Vaclav, Virgie Vaclav, Jeanie Vaclav, Flossi Vaclav, Thebault Vaclav, Iseabal Noland, Ephrem Gilles, Humphrey Gilles, Tammie Gilles, Barbara Vaclav, Charissa Noland, Thacher Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, Kevin Vaclav, Nelli Noland, Barthel Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Amalie Vaclav, Rayner Noland, Marline Noland, Rocky Vaclav, Tiffani Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, Quentin Vaclav, Cass Vaclav, Nancee Vaclav, Yale Noland, Bard Vaclav, Cordelia Vaclav, Thornton Vaclav, Saxe Aldis, Moses Aldis, Silvia Vaclav, Rayner Noland, Charissa Vaclav, Batholomew Gilles, Tildy Gilles, Fanni Noland, Ellette Vaclav, Nancee Vaclav, Batholomew Gilles, Capt. Kevin Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, Bengt Aldis, Orazio Vaclav, Jordan Vaclav, Udell Vaclav, Corbin Vaclav, Micki Vaclav, Templeton Vaclav, Roanna Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Ron Vaclav, Starla Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, Tedmund Vaclav, Helena Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Raimund Vaclav, Michaella Vaclav, Ranice Noland, Daryl Vaclav, Keith Noland, Flor Vaclav, Jens Vaclav, Lizette Vaclav, Carree Vaclav, Randi Vaclav, Duncan Vaclav, Wang Vaclav, Alejandro Vaclav, Jodie Vaclav, Fredi Noland, Kevin Vaclav, Elton Vaclav, Oneida Vaclav, Rene Vaclav, Reynolds Vaclav, Nelli Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, Shawn Vaclav, Rayner Noland, Barty Noland, Rockwell Noland, Clemence Noland, Kendall Noland, Dick Noland, Concettina Noland, Lurline Noland, Agamemnon Noland, Yale Vaclav, Fredi Noland, Simon Vaclav, Quincey Noland, Quincey Noland, Prescott Vaclav, Merlin Vaclav, Montague Noland, Dyanna Noland, Claire Noland, Modesty Vaclav, Woodie Vaclav, Susann Vaclav, Shawn Vaclav, Emanuel Noland, Quincey Noland, Woodie Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Sheila-Kathryn Noland, Walt Noland, Bartolomei Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Amalie Vaclav, Merlin Vaclav, Agamemnon Noland, Chadd Noland, Prescott Vaclav, Ulberto Noland, Quincey Noland, Concettina Noland, Giovanna Vaclav, Dane Noland, Starla Vaclav, Valli Vaclav, Clemence Noland, Charline Noland, Dane Noland, Arleen Noland, Flem Aldis, Gonzalo Noland, Doreen Noland, Geoffrey Vaclav, Silvia Noland, Harold Vaclav, Woodie Vaclav, Faye Vaclav, Franklin Vaclav, Stillmann Noland, Cathryn Vaclav, Wilber Vaclav, Jack Vaclav, Joel Noland, Geoffrey Vaclav, Silvia Noland, Wilmar Vaclav, Gonzalo Noland, Torrin Vaclav, Antonia Vaclav, Wendell Vaclav, Cordie Vaclav, Danny Vaclav, Tammie Gilles, Jared Vaclav, Simon Vaclav, Kathryne Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, Yale Vaclav, Harold Noland, Felicity Noland, Merrel Noland, Kendall Noland, Jared Vaclav, Tan Noland, Torrin Vaclav, Tedmund Vaclav, Antonia Vaclav, Wendell Vaclav, Mandy Vaclav, Catlee Vaclav, Merlin Vaclav, Helaina Vaclav, Ursulina Vaclav, Ulberto Noland, Beowulf Noland, Blaine Noland, Rina Noland, Rockwell Noland, Rockwell Noland, Cordie Vaclav, Danny Vaclav, Margit Vaclav, Birdie Vaclav, Kippie Noland, Blinnie Noland, Valli Noland, Hebert Vaclav, Gussy Noland, Lulita Vaclav, Sasha Noland, Emanuel Noland, Merlin Vaclav, Giovanna Vaclav, Veradis Vaclav, Hermann Aldis, Corby Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Bo Vaclav, Jonathon Noland, Moses Vaclav, Hildagarde Quinn, Tan Noland, Karel Vaclav, Jack Vaclav, Northrop Vaclav, Capt. Prescott Vaclav, Tonnie Noland, Junina Vaclav, Zarah Vaclav, Cyrille Vaclav, Jonathon Noland, Barbara Noland, Lorettalorna Vaclav, Dudley Vaclav, Carly Noland, Amaleta Vaclav, Cordie Vaclav, Wilmar Vaclav, Mireielle Vaclav, Forrest Vaclav, Kiele Vaclav, Blaine Vaclav, Merlin Vaclav, Hettie Noland, Harold Noland, Clarance Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav
Died here: list all 310...
Salomone Vaclav (Infancy), Ashley Gilles (Murder), Ashley Gilles (Murder), Maximilian Noland (Infancy), Blayne Vaclav (Infancy), Jefferson Noland (Infancy), Nelson Vaclav (Infancy), Ewart Vaclav (Infancy), Giffard Vaclav (Infancy), Jobye Noland (Natural causes), Suellen Shumeet (Infancy), Nancee Noland (Infancy), Lawrence Vaclav (Infancy), Charissa Shumeet (Freak accident), Cathie Aldis (Infancy), Annadiana Aldis (Infancy), Chad Aldis (Infancy), Connor Aldis (Freak accident), Margi Vaclav (Suicide), Capt. Clem Noland (Natural causes), Brittany Aldis (Natural causes), Merry Vaclav (Infancy), Sid Aldis (Infancy), Elene Vaclav (Infancy), Ashley Gilles (Infancy), Jonathon Aldis (Infancy), Reggie Gilles (Infancy), August Shumeet (Freak accident), Julienne Aldis (Infancy), Barbara Noland (Infancy), Dillon Noland (Infancy), Kylie Noland (Natural causes), Glenn Aldis (Suicide), Jonathon Noland (Infancy), Lanny Noland (Disease), Milka Aldis (Disease), Lelia Vaclav (Disease), Dore Vaclav (Disease), Fancie Vaclav (Freak accident), Stafford Aldis (Infancy), Hayley Gilles (Infancy), Leanora Shumeet (Suicide), Shayna Vaclav (Infancy), Margi Vaclav (Infancy), Warner Vaclav (Infancy), Arie Noland (Infancy), Thaine Vaclav (Disease), Aguinaldo Vaclav (Disease), Sidney Noland (Disease), Rudyard Vaclav (Infancy), Doralynn Vaclav (Infancy), Doralynn Vaclav (Natural causes), Blaire Vaclav (Suicide), Barbara Vaclav (Natural causes), Anjanette Vaclav (Disease), Elene Noland (Disease), Margi Vaclav (Infancy), Ephrem Noland (Infancy), Storm Aldis (Infancy), Olin Noland (Infancy), Clo Aldis (Infancy), Anny Vaclav (Murder), Thacher Vaclav (Disease), Terence Aldis (Disease), Tildy Vaclav (Disease), Siddhartha Vaclav (Disease), Benson Noland (Infancy), Greer Noland (Infancy), Engelbart Aldis (Infancy), Lanny Vaclav (Infancy), Guglielma Vaclav (Infancy), Jabez Noland (Natural causes), Hart Vaclav (Infancy), May Noland (Infancy), Merry Vaclav (Natural causes), Hubert Vaclav (Suicide), Valli Aldis (Infancy), Amalie Vaclav (Natural causes), Jeraldine Vaclav (Infancy), Maximilian Noland (Infancy), Fawna Noland (Infancy), Irita Noland (Infancy), Pepillo Vaclav (Infancy), Ellette Vaclav (Infancy), Sutton Noland (Infancy), Merci Noland (Infancy), Eadith Noland (Infancy), Powell Noland (Freak accident), Edsel Vaclav (Suicide), Aguinaldo Vaclav (Infancy), Bernard Noland (Infancy), Jabez Noland (Natural causes), Dick Vaclav (Murder), Terra Vaclav (Infancy), Marline Vaclav (Infancy), Gretna Vaclav (Natural causes), Barbara Noland (Disease), Fianna Vaclav (Disease), Sheila-Kathryn Vaclav (Disease), Marianne Vaclav (Disease), Tynan Vaclav (Disease), Elene Vaclav (Disease), Laure Noland (Disease), Joscelin Vaclav (Disease), Kerry Noland (Disease), Mort Vaclav (Disease), Tiff Vaclav (Disease), Lars Vaclav (Infancy), Jonathon Noland (Suicide), Wald Vaclav (Freak accident), Gabriell Noland (Infancy), Aurie Noland (Freak accident), Alethea Vaclav (Infancy), Fredric Vaclav (Infancy), Srinivas Vaclav (Infancy), Glenda Vaclav (Infancy), Mommy Noland (Infancy), Orazio Noland (Suicide), Kori Vaclav (Infancy), Starla Vaclav (Infancy), Walt Vaclav (Natural causes), Mommy Vaclav (Infancy), Edsel Vaclav (Infancy), Orazio Vaclav (Infancy), Nancee Vaclav (Infancy), Tedmund Vaclav (Infancy), Whittaker Noland (Infancy), Starla Noland (Freak accident), Redford Vaclav (Infancy), Emmit Noland (Infancy), Jessamine Noland (Infancy), Somerset Noland (Infancy), Starla Vaclav (Natural causes), Andreana Noland (Infancy), Mattie Vaclav (Infancy), Salomon Vaclav (Murder), Jonathon Noland (Murder), Hazel Noland (Infancy), Torrin Vaclav (Murder), Denice Aldis (Disease), Jabez Noland (Natural causes), Sidney Noland (Murder), Alton Aldis (Infancy), Corbin Vaclav (Suicide), Aurie Vaclav (Infancy), Leslie Vaclav (Infancy), Osgood Vaclav (Infancy), Jeraldine Noland (Infancy), Brooks Vaclav (Natural causes), Shawn Vaclav (Natural causes), Ellette Vaclav (Natural causes), Wald Noland (Infancy), Blaire Vaclav (Infancy), Antoinette Vaclav (Infancy), Rocky Noland (Murder), Helga Vaclav (Suicide), Amalle Vaclav (Infancy), Dru Noland (Infancy), Ashley Gilles (Murder), Neil Noland (Murder), Maximilian Vaclav (Murder), Mommy Noland (Natural causes), Lelia Vaclav (Murder), Standford Vaclav (Murder), Matthus Noland (Murder), Percy Vaclav (Murder), Kingsley Aldis (Murder), Norman Vaclav (Infancy), Shawn Vaclav (Infancy), Silvain Vaclav (Infancy), Dick Vaclav (Murder), Thomasina Aldis (Natural causes), Thaddius Noland (Infancy), Debi Gilles (Natural causes), Elton Vaclav (Murder), Jabez Vaclav (Natural causes), Quill Vaclav (Infancy), Kerry Noland (Disease), Tito Vaclav (Infancy), Wilmar Noland (Natural causes), Silvain Vaclav (Suicide), Tildi Vaclav (Natural causes), Julienne Vaclav (Natural causes), Raimund Vaclav II (Natural causes), Fanni Vaclav (Natural causes), Veradis Vaclav (Disease), Laure Vaclav (Disease), Carolina Gilles (Disease), Lyndsay Gilles (Disease), Jorrie Vaclav (Infancy), Reynold Gilles (Infancy), Toddie Vaclav (Infancy), Godfrey Noland (Suicide), Percy Vaclav (Murder), Chanderjit Vaclav (Infancy), Maximilian Vaclav (Infancy), Virge Noland (Infancy), Raimund Vaclav (Murder), Verla Vaclav (Natural causes), Elisha Vaclav (Infancy), Fredi Vaclav (Suicide), Ephrem Gilles (Natural causes), Greer Vaclav (Natural causes), Storm Vaclav (Disease), Leela Vaclav (Disease), Woodie Vaclav (Disease), Fanni Vaclav (Disease), Bard Vaclav (Disease), Georgeanne Noland (Disease), Woodie Vaclav (Disease), Walt Vaclav (Disease), Rocky Gilles (Disease), Yoko Gilles (Disease), Clareta Noland (Disease), Harold Vaclav (Disease), Anna-Maria Vaclav (Natural causes), Ozzy Vaclav (Infancy), Saxe Vaclav (Infancy), Cass Vaclav (Natural causes), Yale Noland (Natural causes), Doralynn Noland (Natural causes), Moshe Vaclav (Infancy), Ranice Vaclav (Infancy), Merilyn Vaclav (Infancy), Birdie Aldis (Natural causes), Tuckie Vaclav (Disease), Carree Noland (Disease), Ellissa Vaclav (Disease), Iain Noland (Disease), Gerry Vaclav (Disease), Charissa Vaclav (Disease), Winfield Vaclav (Disease), Matilde Vaclav (Disease), Berta Vaclav (Infancy), Giorgi Noland (Infancy), Woodie Vaclav (Freak accident), Doralynn Vaclav (Infancy), Genevieve Vaclav (Infancy), Wilmar Vaclav (Infancy), Amalie Vaclav (Suicide), Zebadiah Vaclav (Infancy), Fanni Vaclav (Infancy), Ozzy Vaclav (Suicide), Hannie Vaclav (Freak accident), Tab Noland (Infancy), Doralynn Noland (Infancy), Dwight Noland (Suicide), Shurwood Vaclav (Murder), Alane Noland (Infancy), Laure Vaclav (Natural causes), Roanna Vaclav (Suicide), Somerset Noland (Suicide), Lemuel Vaclav (Infancy), Jodie Vaclav (Suicide), Joachim Noland (Suicide), Gail Gilles (Murder), Fanni Noland (Infancy), Starla Noland (Natural causes), Jordan Vaclav (Natural causes), Modesty Vaclav (Natural causes), Simon Vaclav (Murder), Torrin Vaclav (Infancy), Shawn Vaclav (Natural causes), Julianne Noland (Infancy), Davon Noland (Natural causes), Evangeline Noland (Suicide), Ibrahim Noland (Murder), Waylon Noland (Infancy), Reese Noland (Murder), Federico Vaclav (Murder), Geoffrey Vaclav (Natural causes), Austin Vaclav (Suicide), Adriaens Noland (Suicide), Ilana Vaclav (Infancy), Isadore Vaclav (Infancy), Charlene Vaclav (Infancy), Micki Vaclav (Infancy), Cathryn Noland (Natural causes), Blinnie Vaclav (Natural causes), Xena Vaclav (Suicide), Moses Noland (Natural causes), Lorettalorna Vaclav (Infancy), Renaldo Vaclav (Infancy), Corby Vaclav (Infancy), Hendrika Vaclav (Infancy), Trent Vaclav (Infancy), Torrin Vaclav (Disease), Harlie Vaclav (Disease), Xena Vaclav (Disease), Pietra Noland (Disease), Harold Vaclav (Disease), Wang Vaclav (Disease), Simon Vaclav (Infancy), Marlon Vaclav (Infancy), Fredi Noland (Disease), Enrique Noland (Disease), Vincents Vaclav (Infancy), Xena Vaclav (Infancy), Silvia Vaclav (Infancy), Dari Noland (Suicide), Maximilian Noland (Suicide), Paten Vaclav (Infancy), Biff Vaclav (Infancy), Andrea Aldis (Infancy), Minerva Vaclav (Suicide), Averil Vaclav (Infancy), Hermann Aldis (Infancy), Paige Vaclav (Infancy), Constancia Vaclav (Infancy), Pacifica Vaclav (Infancy)
Murders: list all 27...
Ashley Gilles (in the year 203 by Aguinaldo Vaclav), Ashley Gilles (in the year 203 by Aguinaldo Vaclav), Anny Vaclav (in the year 240 by Sawyer Aldis), Dick Vaclav (in the year 267 by Quinlan Gilles), Salomon Vaclav (in the year 303 by Jonathon Noland), Jonathon Noland (in the year 303 by Ashley Gilles), Torrin Vaclav (in the year 304 by Ashley Gilles), Sidney Noland (in the year 306 by Corbin Vaclav), Rocky Noland (in the year 316 by Ashley Gilles), Ashley Gilles (in the year 317 by Neil Noland), Neil Noland (in the year 317 by Maximilian Vaclav), Maximilian Vaclav (in the year 317 by Matthus Noland), Lelia Vaclav (in the year 318 by Percy Vaclav), Standford Vaclav (in the year 318 by Percy Vaclav), Matthus Noland (in the year 318 by Elton Vaclav), Percy Vaclav (in the year 318 by Kingsley Aldis), Kingsley Aldis (in the year 318 by Jabez Vaclav), Dick Vaclav (in the year 320 by Elton Vaclav), Elton Vaclav (in the year 322 by Silvain Vaclav), Percy Vaclav (in the year 337 by Thebault Vaclav), Raimund Vaclav (in the year 337 by Thebault Vaclav), Shurwood Vaclav (in the year 362 by Somerset Noland), Gail Gilles (in the year 370 by Simon Vaclav), Simon Vaclav (in the year 372 by Quincey Noland), Ibrahim Noland (in the year 379 by Federico Vaclav), Reese Noland (in the year 379 by Federico Vaclav), Federico Vaclav (in the year 380 by Moses Noland)


203.   Noland Lake, Stantonville, was founded by Ashley Gilles, Connor Aldis, Merry Vaclav, Engelbart Aldis, Doralynn Vaclav, Aguinaldo Vaclav, Charissa Shumeet, Milka Shumeet, August Shumeet, Hubert Vaclav, Terence Aldis, Kylie Aldis, Margi Vaclav, Amalie Vaclav, Brittany Aldis, Gilbert Vaclav, Jobye Noland, Capt. Clem Noland, Jabez Noland, Lulu Gilles, Barbara Shumeet, Verla Shumeet, Doralynn Vaclav, and Lanny Vaclav. They named it after Capt. Clem Noland. Ashley Gilles attempted to murder Ashley Gilles as revenge for the latter's murder of Tymon Zollie, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. Ashley Gilles killed 32-year-old Ashley Gilles in self-defense in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his second victim. Ashley Gilles was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Ashley Gilles, who was acting in self-defense; he was 32 years old. Ashley Gilles, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Ashley Gilles, who was acting in self-defense; he was 32 years old. Aguinaldo Vaclav murdered Ashley Gilles in an act of revenge. Ashley Gilles, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, was murdered by Aguinaldo Vaclav in an act of revenge. 25 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 203: Kylie Aldis, Terence Aldis, Brittany Aldis, Connor Aldis, Engelbart Aldis, Lulu Gilles, Lelia Gilles, Jobye Noland, Capt. Clem Noland, Jabez Noland, August Shumeet, Charissa Shumeet, Barbara Shumeet, Milka Shumeet, Verla Shumeet, Merry Vaclav, Aguinaldo Vaclav, Amalie Vaclav, Hubert Vaclav, Margi Vaclav, Gilbert Vaclav, Lanny Vaclav, Doralynn Vaclav, Doralynn Vaclav, and Elene Vaclav.
210.   Jobye Noland, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, of natural causes; she was 70 years old.
213.   Charissa Shumeet, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after a freak accident; she was 14 years old.
220.   Connor Aldis, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after a freak accident; he was 28 years old.
221.   Margi Vaclav, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, took her own life in Noland Lake, Stantonville; she was 58 years old. 1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 221: Tynan Vaclav.
222.   Capt. Clem Noland, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, of natural causes; he was 77 years old.
224.   Brittany Aldis, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, of natural causes; she was 65 years old.
225.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 225: Walt Vaclav.
228.   August Shumeet, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after a freak accident; he was 50 years old.
230.   Kylie Noland, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, of natural causes; she was 74 years old.
231.   Lanny Noland, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after showing symptoms of disease; she was 29 years old. Milka Aldis, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after showing symptoms of disease; she was 33 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 231: Walt Vaclav.
234.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 234: Ashley Gilles.
235.   Aguinaldo Vaclav, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after showing symptoms of disease; he was 52 years old. 1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 235: Tildy Aldis.
236.   Doralynn Vaclav, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, of natural causes; she was 58 years old. 2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 236: Edsel Vaclav, and Marline Vaclav.
237.   Barbara Vaclav, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, of natural causes; she was 60 years old. 2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 237: Sawyer Aldis, and Eddy Vaclav.
238.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 238: Sawyer Aldis, Edsel Vaclav, Cathie Vaclav, and Marline Vaclav.
239.   4 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 239: Gretna Shumeet, Leroy Shumeet, August Shumeet, and Jermain Vaclav.
240.   Sawyer Aldis murdered 26-year-old Anny Vaclav in Noland Lake, Stantonville. Anny Vaclav was murdered in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Sawyer Aldis; she was 26 years old. Terence Aldis, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after showing symptoms of disease; he was 44 years old. 3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 240: Sawyer Aldis, Grethel Vaclav, and Stillmann Vaclav.
242.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 242: La Vaclav, and Walt Vaclav.
244.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 244: Leroy Shumeet. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Raimund Vaclav, Edsel Vaclav, Cathie Vaclav, Laure Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, and Edsel Vaclav.
245.   Gilbert Vaclav is trying to gather up a group of people in Noland Lake for an expedition on the Shantyman, which Gilbert Vaclav has agreed to lead. Wojciech Vaclav, Thacher Vaclav, Wynn Vaclav, Cosette Vaclav, Yale Aldis, Ewart Vaclav, Monique Aldis, Engelbart Aldis, Toddy Aldis, Ernaline Vaclav, Charles Vaclav, Verla Aldis, Demetrius Aldis, Connor Aldis, Amalie Vaclav, Milka Aldis, Lanny Vaclav, Murphy Vaclav, Annabella Vaclav, Grethel Vaclav, August Aldis, Walton Vaclav, Doralynn Aldis, Sammy Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Capt. Gilbert Vaclav, Salomone Vaclav, Toddy Noland, Maxim Vaclav, Sidney Aldis, Ramsay Aldis, Leroy Shumeet, Lulu Vaclav, and Flossi Vaclav have boarded the Shantyman from the port of Noland Lake, Stantonville. The Shantyman, under command of Capt. Gilbert Vaclav, has left the harbor at Noland Lake, Stantonville. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 245: Ashley Gilles, and Jephthah Gilles. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Verla Aldis, Engelbart Aldis, Doralynn Aldis, Connor Aldis, Ramsay Aldis, Sidney Aldis, August Aldis, Toddy Aldis, Milka Aldis, Monique Aldis, Demetrius Aldis, Toddy Noland, Leroy Shumeet, Lulu Vaclav, Capt. Gilbert Vaclav, Thacher Vaclav, Charles Vaclav, Lanny Vaclav, Cosette Vaclav, Ewart Vaclav, Wojciech Vaclav, Salomone Vaclav, Wynn Vaclav, Sammy Vaclav, Grethel Vaclav, Murphy Vaclav, Ernaline Vaclav, Cobb Vaclav, Annabella Vaclav, Amalie Vaclav, Flossi Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Walton Vaclav, and Maxim Vaclav.
246.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 246: Lincoln Vaclav.
248.   Capt. Gilbert Vaclav, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died at sea aboard the Shantyman of natural causes; he was 66 years old. 1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 248: Iain Noland.
249.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 249: Iain Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Dru Noland, and Starla Noland.
250.   Jabez Noland, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, of natural causes; he was 67 years old. 1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 250: Jabez Noland.
251.   Engelbart Aldis, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died aboard the Shantyman, which had become lost at sea; he was 64 years old. Verla Aldis, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died aboard the Shantyman, which had become lost at sea; she was 50 years old. Doralynn Aldis, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died aboard the Shantyman, which had become lost at sea; she was 50 years old. Lulu Vaclav, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died aboard the Shantyman, which had become lost at sea; she was 67 years old.
253.   Merry Vaclav, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, of natural causes; he was 73 years old. 2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 253: Ashley Gilles, and Jephthah Gilles.
254.   Hubert Vaclav, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, took his own life in Noland Lake, Stantonville; he was 70 years old. 8 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 254: Edsel Vaclav, Cathie Vaclav, Cherin Vaclav, Edsel Vaclav, Allys Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, and Laure Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Powell Noland.
255.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 255: Marvin Vaclav.
256.   Amalie Vaclav, who in 203 founded Noland Lake along with 23 others, died in Noland Lake, Stantonville, of natural causes; she was 84 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 256: August Shumeet. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Rayner Aldis, Jodie Aldis, and Kylie Aldis.
257.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 257: Shawn Vaclav, and Barbara Vaclav.
258.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 258: Marvin Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Iain Noland, Marline Noland, Edsel Vaclav, Cherin Vaclav, Allys Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, and Matt Vaclav.
259.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 259: Jephthah Gilles. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Marvin Vaclav.
260.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 260: Iain Noland, Marline Noland, Powell Noland, and Wilmar Noland.
261.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 261: Jephthah Gilles, and Sidney Noland.
262.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 262: Sidney Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Storm Noland, and Griff Noland.
264.   6 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 264: Quincey Noland, Blaire Noland, Ellette Noland, Denice Noland, Flor Noland, and Tan Noland.
265.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 265: Quinlan Gilles, Gretna Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Marianne Vaclav, Carolyne Vaclav, Tynan Vaclav, and Barbara Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Sidney Noland.
266.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 266: Ashley Gilles.
267.   Quinlan Gilles murdered 60-year-old Dick Vaclav in Noland Lake, Stantonville. Dick Vaclav was murdered in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Quinlan Gilles; he was 60 years old. 9 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 267: Quinlan Gilles, Ashley Gilles, Ellette Noland, Adrianna Noland, Concordia Noland, Cathie Noland, Britney Noland, Barbara Noland, and Sidney Noland.
268.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 268: Ashley Gilles, and Stillmann Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Charissa Noland, and Iain Noland.
269.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 269: Ashley Gilles.
271.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 271: Shawn Vaclav.
272.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 272: Jephthah Gilles. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Charissa Noland, Wilmar Noland, Nelson Vaclav, Marline Vaclav, and Stillmann Vaclav.
274.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 274: Ashley Gilles, and Dell Vaclav.
275.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 275: Nelson Vaclav, and Ellette Vaclav.
276.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 276: Tildy Gilles. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jephthah Gilles, August Shumeet, Nelson Vaclav, and Ellette Vaclav.
277.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 277: Quinlan Gilles, and Jabez Noland.
278.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 278: Marcos Vaclav.
279.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 279: Quinlan Gilles.
281.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 281: Fanni Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ashley Gilles.
283.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 283: Tildy Vaclav, and Carly Vaclav.
284.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 284: Tildy Noland.
287.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 287: Carolyne Noland.
288.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 288: Nelson Vaclav.
291.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 291: Hubert Vaclav.
292.   3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 292: Carly Vaclav, Raimund Vaclav, and Walt Vaclav.
293.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 293: Jehu Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Lanny Noland, and Tildy Vaclav.
295.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 295: Maximilian Vaclav.
297.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 297: Suellen Gilles, Anetta Gilles, and Godfrey Shumeet. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Mikhail Vaclav, and Brenn Vaclav.
298.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 298: Nelson Vaclav.
299.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 299: Jephthah Gilles, and Sidney Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Edsel Noland.
300.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 300: Moses Aldis, Denice Aldis, Vittoria Aldis, Barbara Aldis, Bengt Aldis, and Kathryne Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Sidney Noland.
301.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 301: Lelia Gilles, Greer Gilles, Ashley Gilles, Ingaberg Vaclav, Salomon Vaclav, and Thomasina Vaclav.
302.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 302: Hubert Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Dode Noland, Jabez Noland, Gonzalo Noland, Rayner Noland, and Tammi Noland.
303.   Salomon Vaclav attempted to murder Jonathon Noland, but failed and was himself killed. Jonathon Noland killed 26-year-old Salomon Vaclav in self-defense in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. Salomon Vaclav was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Jonathon Noland, who was acting in self-defense; he was 26 years old. Ashley Gilles murdered Jonathon Noland in an act of revenge. Torrin Vaclav attempted to murder Ashley Gilles as revenge for the latter's murder of Jonathon Noland, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 5 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 303: Kingsley Aldis, Flor Aldis, Ellette Aldis, Ephrem Aldis, and Ephrem Gilles. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jephthah Gilles, Matthus Noland, and Godfrey Shumeet.
304.   Torrin Vaclav attempted to murder Ashley Gilles as revenge for the latter's murder of Jonathon Noland, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. Ashley Gilles killed 35-year-old Torrin Vaclav in self-defense in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his second victim. Torrin Vaclav was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Ashley Gilles, who was acting in self-defense; he was 35 years old. 6 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 304: Anetta Gilles, Jehu Noland, Suellen Noland, Dell Vaclav, Prescott Vaclav, and Sidney Vaclav.
305.   Rocky Noland attempted to murder Ashley Gilles as revenge for the latter's murder of Torrin Vaclav, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 305: Sidney Noland, and Birdie Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ingaberg Gilles, and Ashley Gilles.
306.   Sidney Noland attempted to murder Corbin Vaclav, but failed and was himself killed. Corbin Vaclav killed 24-year-old Sidney Noland in self-defense in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. Sidney Noland was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Corbin Vaclav, who was acting in self-defense; he was 24 years old. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 306: Debi Gilles. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ephrem Gilles, Whittaker Noland, Barbara Noland, Clareta Noland, Lettie Noland, and Salvidor Noland.
307.   3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 307: Lelia Gilles, Demetre Noland, and Walt Vaclav.
308.   7 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 308: Matthus Noland, Brooks Vaclav, Ellette Vaclav, Tildy Vaclav, Marcos Vaclav, Leon Vaclav, and Jordan Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Moses Aldis, Vittoria Aldis, Barbara Aldis, Kathryne Aldis, La Aldis, Helmuth Aldis, Alisha Aldis, Nevin Vaclav, and Harold Vaclav.
309.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 309: Ephrem Gilles, Lelia Gilles, and Anna-Maria Vaclav.
310.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 310: Whittaker Noland, Lettie Noland, Helga Noland, and Barbara Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Esau Vaclav.
311.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 311: Wilmar Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Bengt Aldis, and Dacia Vaclav.
312.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 312: Flor Aldis, and Quentin Vaclav.
313.   5 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 313: Whittaker Noland, Lettie Noland, Barbara Noland, Wilmar Noland, and Marcos Vaclav.
314.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 314: Raimund Vaclav II. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ephrem Gilles.
315.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 315: Ashley Gilles. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ephrem Aldis.
316.   Rocky Noland attempted to murder Ashley Gilles as revenge for the latter's murder of Torrin Vaclav, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. Ashley Gilles killed 42-year-old Rocky Noland in self-defense in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his fifth victim. Rocky Noland was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Ashley Gilles, who was acting in self-defense; he was 42 years old. 7 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 316: Scot Noland, Fanni Noland, Jabez Vaclav, Torrin Vaclav, Ellette Vaclav, Anna-Maria Vaclav, and Hubert Vaclav.
317.   Neil Noland murdered Ashley Gilles in an act of revenge. Maximilian Vaclav murdered Neil Noland in an act of revenge. Matthus Noland murdered Maximilian Vaclav in an act of revenge.
318.   Lelia Vaclav attempted to murder Percy Vaclav, but failed and was herself killed. Percy Vaclav killed 31-year-old Lelia Vaclav in self-defense in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. Lelia Vaclav was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Percy Vaclav, who was acting in self-defense; she was 31 years old. Percy Vaclav killed 16-year-old Standford Vaclav in self-defense in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his second victim. Standford Vaclav was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Percy Vaclav, who was acting in self-defense; he was 16 years old. Elton Vaclav murdered Matthus Noland in an act of revenge. Kingsley Aldis murdered Percy Vaclav in an act of revenge. Jabez Vaclav murdered Kingsley Aldis in an act of revenge.
319.   Dick Vaclav attempted to murder Elton Vaclav as revenge for the latter's murder of Matthus Noland, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 319: Whittaker Noland, and Wilmar Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Percy Noland, Cathleen Noland, Udell Noland, Walt Vaclav, and Kevin Vaclav.
320.   Dick Vaclav attempted to murder Elton Vaclav as revenge for the latter's murder of Matthus Noland, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. Elton Vaclav killed 32-year-old Dick Vaclav in self-defense in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his second victim. Dick Vaclav was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Elton Vaclav, who was acting in self-defense; he was 32 years old. 3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 320: Robinet Noland, Jabez Vaclav, and Ellette Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Whittaker Noland, and Leon Vaclav.
321.   Silvain Vaclav attempted to murder Elton Vaclav as revenge for the latter's murder of Dick Vaclav, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 321: Prescott Vaclav.
322.   Silvain Vaclav murdered Elton Vaclav in an act of revenge. 2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 322: Reid Noland, and Dinny Vaclav.
323.   3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 323: Robinet Noland, Blinnie Vaclav, and Jordan Vaclav.
324.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 324: Wilmar Noland, Starla Noland, Flor Noland, and Dinny Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Charissa Vaclav.
325.   8 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 325: Iain Noland, Martin Noland, Wilmar Noland, Shawn Vaclav, Ranice Vaclav, Birdie Vaclav, Prescott Vaclav, and Ephrem Vaclav.
326.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 326: Greer Noland.
327.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 327: Waverly Noland, and Starla Noland.
328.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 328: Percy Noland, and Cass Vaclav.
329.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 329: Humphrey Gilles, Charissa Gilles, Carolina Gilles, Barbara Gilles, Susann Gilles, and Tammie Gilles. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Flor Noland, Charissa Vaclav, Jordan Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, and Cass Vaclav.
330.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 330: Martin Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Dinny Vaclav.
331.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 331: Ephrem Gilles. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Doralynn Vaclav, Orazio Vaclav, Jabez Vaclav, and Ellette Vaclav.
332.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 332: Jodie Vaclav, Corbin Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Thacher Vaclav, and Carita Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Martin Noland.
333.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 333: Cass Vaclav, and Walt Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Reggie Noland, Percy Noland, and Dick Vaclav.
334.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 334: Birdie Vaclav, Ephrem Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Virgie Vaclav, Kelwin Vaclav, and Thornton Vaclav.
335.   Virgie Vaclav attempted to murder Woodie Vaclav, but failed. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 335: Thebault Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Marquita Noland, Greer Noland, Cass Vaclav, Birdie Vaclav, Ephrem Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Kelwin Vaclav, and Thornton Vaclav.
336.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 336: Greer Noland, Rayner Noland, and Raimund Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jeanie Vaclav, Roanna Vaclav, and Virgie Vaclav.
337.   Thebault Vaclav murdered 20-year-old Percy Vaclav in Noland Lake, Stantonville. Percy Vaclav was murdered in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Thebault Vaclav; he was 20 years old. Raimund Vaclav attempted to murder Thebault Vaclav as revenge for the latter's murder of Percy Vaclav, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. Thebault Vaclav killed 48-year-old Raimund Vaclav in self-defense in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his second victim. Raimund Vaclav was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Thebault Vaclav, who was acting in self-defense; he was 48 years old. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 337: Quentin Vaclav, and Verla Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Iseabal Vaclav, Flossi Vaclav, and Thebault Vaclav.
338.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 338: Bengt Aldis, and Cathryn Aldis. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Humphrey Gilles, Charissa Gilles, Barbara Gilles, Tammie Gilles, Ephrem Gilles, Thacher Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, and Nelli Vaclav.
339.   Rocky Vaclav started building a ship in Noland Lake. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 339: Tiffani Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Marline Noland, Rayner Noland, Amalie Vaclav, Barthel Vaclav, and Charissa Vaclav.
340.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 340: Ephrem Gilles.
341.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 341: Yale Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Rocky Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, and Tiffani Vaclav.
342.   Disease broke out in Noland Lake; twelve people died. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 342: Cass Vaclav, and Nancee Vaclav.
343.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 343: Moses Aldis, Saxe Aldis, and Anna-Maria Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Quentin Vaclav.
344.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 344: Roanna Vaclav.
345.   Saxe Aldis started building a ship in Noland Lake. 3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 345: Yale Noland, Cass Vaclav, and Nancee Vaclav.
346.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 346: Yale Noland, Cass Vaclav, Nancee Vaclav, Birdie Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, and Thornton Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Bard Vaclav, and Cordelia Vaclav.
347.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 347: Charissa Vaclav, and Amalie Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Thornton Vaclav.
348.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 348: Silvia Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Moses Aldis, and Saxe Aldis.
349.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 349: Rayner Noland.
350.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 350: Jared Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Rayner Noland, and Silvia Vaclav.
351.   11 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 351: Iain Noland, Capt. Kevin Vaclav, Shawn Vaclav, Torrin Vaclav, Orazio Vaclav, Gerry Vaclav, Templeton Vaclav, Charissa Vaclav, Rene Vaclav, Jordan Vaclav, and Winfield Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Tildy Gilles, Batholomew Gilles, Ellette Gilles, Fanni Gilles, and Charissa Vaclav.
352.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 352: Batholomew Gilles, and Nancee Vaclav.
353.   Disease broke out in Noland Lake; eight people died. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 353: Doreen Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jared Vaclav, and Capt. Kevin Vaclav.
354.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 354: Jared Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Bengt Aldis.
355.   6 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 355: Corbin Vaclav, Orazio Vaclav, Templeton Vaclav, Jordan Vaclav, Udell Vaclav, and Micki Vaclav.
356.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 356: Charissa Vaclav.
357.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 357: Keith Noland, and Charissa Vaclav.
358.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 358: Alejandro Vaclav, and Ron Vaclav.
359.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 359: Moses Noland, Clemence Noland, Kendall Noland, Dick Noland, Agamemnon Noland, and Tedmund Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Charissa Vaclav, and Ron Vaclav.
360.   10 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 360: Rayner Noland, Lurline Noland, Rockwell Noland, Dwight Noland, Xena Noland, Barty Noland, Concettina Vaclav, Raimund Vaclav, Daryl Vaclav, and Yale Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Helena Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, and Jared Vaclav.
361.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 361: Somerset Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Charissa Vaclav, Raimund Vaclav, Daryl Vaclav, and Michaella Vaclav.
362.   Shurwood Vaclav attempted to murder Somerset Noland, but failed and was himself killed. Somerset Noland killed 16-year-old Shurwood Vaclav in self-defense in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. Shurwood Vaclav was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Somerset Noland, who was acting in self-defense; he was 16 years old. 7 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 362: Keith Noland, Jens Vaclav, Lizette Vaclav, Randi Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Duncan Vaclav, and Carree Vaclav.
363.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 363: Alejandro Vaclav.
364.   10 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 364: Dane Noland, Starla Noland, Stillmann Noland, Gonzalo Noland, Kevin Vaclav, Oneida Vaclav, Reynolds Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, Elton Vaclav, and Nelli Vaclav.
365.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 365: Quincey Noland, Prescott Vaclav, Merlin Vaclav, and Charissa Vaclav.
366.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 366: Quincey Noland, Joel Noland, and Blinnie Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Jodie Vaclav, Rene Vaclav, Kevin Vaclav, Oneida Vaclav, Reynolds Vaclav, Carita Vaclav, Elton Vaclav, and Nelli Vaclav.
367.   8 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 367: Gail Gilles, Emanuel Noland, Dyanna Noland, Claire Noland, Modesty Noland, Jordan Vaclav, Modesty Vaclav, and Antonia Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Clemence Noland, Kendall Noland, Dick Noland, Agamemnon Noland, Rayner Noland, Lurline Noland, Rockwell Noland, Barty Noland, Shawn Vaclav, and Concettina Vaclav.
368.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 368: Montague Noland, Jodie Vaclav, and Simon Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Yale Vaclav, and Fredi Vaclav.
369.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 369: Shawn Vaclav.
370.   Simon Vaclav murdered 21-year-old Gail Gilles in Noland Lake, Stantonville. This was his second victim. Gail Gilles was murdered in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Simon Vaclav; he was 21 years old. Quincey Noland attempted to murder Simon Vaclav as revenge for the latter's murder of Gail Gilles, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. 2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 370: Flor Noland, and Bartolomei Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Quincey Noland, and Quincey Noland.
371.   4 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 371: Davon Noland, Silvia Noland, Quincey Noland, and Starla Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Dyanna Noland, Claire Noland, Modesty Noland, Montague Noland, Prescott Vaclav, and Merlin Vaclav.
372.   Quincey Noland murdered Simon Vaclav in an act of revenge. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 372: Sheila-Kathryn Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Susann Vaclav, and Woodie Vaclav.
373.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 373: Flem Aldis, Prescott Vaclav, and Merlin Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Emanuel Noland, and Shawn Vaclav.
374.   Flor Noland started building a ship in Noland Lake. 1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 374: Quincey Noland.
375.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 375: Ulberto Noland, and Shawn Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Woodie Vaclav.
376.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 376: Agamemnon Noland, Clemence Noland, Chadd Noland, Charline Noland, Giovanna Noland, and Concettina Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Charissa Vaclav.
377.   3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 377: Quincey Noland, Evangeline Noland, and Federico Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Walt Noland, and Sheila-Kathryn Noland.
378.   5 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 378: Agamemnon Noland, Chadd Noland, Bartolomei Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, and Merlin Vaclav.
379.   Federico Vaclav murdered 23-year-old Ibrahim Noland in Noland Lake, Stantonville. Ibrahim Noland was murdered in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Federico Vaclav; he was 23 years old. Reese Noland attempted to murder Federico Vaclav as revenge for the latter's murder of Ibrahim Noland, but failed. The blood feud is not resolved, however. Federico Vaclav killed 17-year-old Reese Noland in self-defense in Noland Lake, Stantonville, after the latter tried to murder him. This was his second victim. Reese Noland was killed in Noland Lake, Stantonville by Federico Vaclav, who was acting in self-defense; he was 17 years old. 3 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 379: Woodie Vaclav, Austin Vaclav, and Faye Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ulberto Noland, and Prescott Vaclav.
380.   Moses Noland murdered Federico Vaclav in an act of revenge. 10 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 380: Dane Noland, Starla Noland, Dane Noland, Valli Noland, Clemence Noland, Charline Noland, Giovanna Noland, Concettina Noland, Quincey Noland, and Arleen Noland.
381.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 381: Flem Aldis.
382.   1 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 382: Gonzalo Noland.
383.   Corby Vaclav started building a ship in Noland Lake. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 383: Wilmar Vaclav.
384.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 384: Jack Vaclav, and Kathryne Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Doreen Noland, Geoffrey Vaclav, Harold Vaclav, and Silvia Vaclav.
385.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 385: Geoffrey Vaclav, and Silvia Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Stillmann Noland, Woodie Vaclav, Cathryn Vaclav, Faye Vaclav, Franklin Vaclav, and Wilber Vaclav.
387.   Corby Vaclav built a ship in Noland Lake, Stantonville, which he christened the Rectification; this is the first ship that he has completed. 1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 387: Carita Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Joel Noland, and Jack Vaclav.
388.   9 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 388: Pietra Noland, Gonzalo Noland, Jack Vaclav, Jared Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Amalie Vaclav, Harold Vaclav, Merlin Vaclav, and Junina Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Geoffrey Vaclav, and Silvia Vaclav.
390.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 390: Tammie Gilles.
391.   8 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 391: Fredi Noland, Hettie Noland, Harold Noland, Dari Noland, Yale Vaclav, Wang Vaclav, Giovanna Vaclav, and Simon Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Gonzalo Noland, Torrin Vaclav, Antonia Vaclav, Cordie Vaclav, Wilmar Vaclav, Wendell Vaclav, and Danny Vaclav.
392.   2 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 392: Tammie Gilles, and Jared Vaclav.
393.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 393: Jared Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Kathryne Vaclav, and Simon Vaclav.
394.   1 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 394: Hermann Aldis.
395.   8 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 395: Jonathon Noland, Torrin Vaclav, Cordie Vaclav, Wendell Vaclav, Mandy Vaclav, Prescott Vaclav, Danny Vaclav, and Antonia Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Carita Vaclav.
396.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 396: Maximilian Noland, Sasha Noland, Tan Noland, Tonnie Noland, and Enrika Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Harold Noland, Felicity Noland, Kendall Noland, and Yale Vaclav.
398.   5 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 398: Ulberto Noland, Kippie Noland, Rockwell Noland, Rockwell Noland, and Beowulf Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Tan Noland, and Jared Vaclav.
399.   6 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 399: Jonathon Noland, Barbara Noland, Carly Noland, Barbara Noland, Valli Vaclav, and Hebert Vaclav. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Torrin Vaclav.
400.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 400: Emanuel Noland, and Tan Noland. Meanwhile, these resident(s) left town: Ulberto Noland, Kippie Noland, Blaine Noland, Rockwell Noland, Rockwell Noland, Beowulf Noland, Blinnie Noland, Valli Noland, Helaina Vaclav, Tedmund Vaclav, Merlin Vaclav, Birdie Vaclav, Cordie Vaclav, Wendell Vaclav, Mandy Vaclav, Danny Vaclav, Antonia Vaclav, Margit Vaclav, Catlee Vaclav, and Ursulina Vaclav.
401.   Prescott Vaclav is trying to gather up a group of people in Noland Lake for an expedition on the Rectification, which Prescott Vaclav has agreed to lead. Hebert Vaclav, Gussy Vaclav, Lulita Vaclav, Sasha Noland, Emanuel Noland, Merlin Vaclav, Veradis Vaclav, Hermann Aldis, Corby Vaclav, Jonathon Noland, Moses Vaclav, Hildagarde Vaclav, Tan Noland, Karel Vaclav, Jack Vaclav, Giovanna Vaclav, Northrop Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Bo Vaclav, Capt. Prescott Vaclav, Tonnie Noland, Junina Vaclav, Zarah Vaclav, and Cyrille Vaclav have boarded the Rectification from the port of Noland Lake, Stantonville. The Rectification, under command of Capt. Prescott Vaclav, has left the harbor at Noland Lake, Stantonville. 24 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 401: Hermann Aldis, Gussy Noland, Jonathon Noland, Sasha Noland, Tonnie Noland, Emanuel Noland, Tan Noland, Corby Vaclav, Cyrille Vaclav, Hildagarde Vaclav, Jack Vaclav, Flor Vaclav, Merlin Vaclav, Junina Vaclav, Bo Vaclav, Giovanna Vaclav, Northrop Vaclav, Veradis Vaclav, Capt. Prescott Vaclav, Karel Vaclav, Zarah Vaclav, Moses Vaclav, Hebert Vaclav, and Lulita Vaclav.
402.   2 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 402: Wilmar Vaclav, and Mireielle Vaclav.
405.   14 newcomer(s) moved to Noland Lake in 405: Morlee Aldis, Hermann Aldis, Hettie Noland, John-Patrick Noland, Enrika Noland, Neale Vaclav, Amalie Vaclav, Barbara Vaclav, Wilmar Vaclav, Mireielle Vaclav, Blaine Vaclav, Merlin Vaclav, Clarance Vaclav, and Kiele Vaclav.
406.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Stantonville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Wilmar Vaclav has decided to start building a ship in Noland Lake, so that at least some of the displaced people of Stantonville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Wilmar Vaclav started building a ship in Noland Lake. Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Stantonville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Barbara Vaclav has decided to start building a ship in Noland Lake, so that at least some of the displaced people of Stantonville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Barbara Vaclav started building a ship in Noland Lake. 3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 406: Wilmar Vaclav, Mireielle Vaclav, and Kiele Vaclav.
407.   Due to alarming rates of homelessness on Stantonville, indicative of excessive population density on the island, Neale Vaclav has decided to start building a ship in Noland Lake, so that at least some of the displaced people of Stantonville may soon be able to seek out more spacious lands. Neale Vaclav started building a ship in Noland Lake. 3 resident(s) moved out of Noland Lake in 407: Hettie Noland, Blaine Vaclav, and Merlin Vaclav.