
The Overwiped is a ship that sunk in 198, 472 miles off the coast of Burmuda.


Status: Sunken
Sank: 198
Location: 472 miles off the coast of Burmuda


Built: 160
Builder: Smith Gilles


Port of origin: Peru, Waterford
Most recent port: Peru, Waterford
Left port: 239 years ago


Captain on final voyage: Capt. Gabriel Zollie, 0 yrs. experience; died 180


Voyages completed: 0


Population: no one has been aboard since 174
Highest-ever population: 6 (in 172)


Passengers: last passenger died 175
Former passengers: Prudi Jordan, Madeleine Aldis, Esther Jordan, Leela Gilles, Web Jordan, Bernd Aldis, Nerte Jordan, Elizabeth Jordan
Died aboard: Prudi Jordan (Infancy), Madeleine Aldis (Natural causes), Esther Jordan (Infancy), Leela Gilles (Ship lost at sea), Web Jordan (Ship lost at sea), Bernd Aldis (Ship lost at sea), Nerte Jordan (Ship lost at sea), Elizabeth Jordan (Ship lost at sea)
Murders: None


160.   The Overwiped was built in Peru, Waterford, by Smith Gilles. It is the first ship that he has completed.
169.   Gabriel Zollie is trying to gather up a group of people in Peru for an expedition on the Overwiped, which Gabriel Zollie has agreed to lead. Gabriel Zollie has made it clear that, because it was his decision for the ship to be commandeered, he will serve as its captain. Gabriel Zollie was designated captain of the Overwiped, which will depart Peru shortly; he has never captained a ship before. Leela Gilles, Madeleine Gilles, Web Jordan, Bernd Aldis, and Nerte Zollie have boarded the Overwiped from the port of Peru, Waterford. The Overwiped, under command of Capt. Gabriel Zollie, has left the harbor at Peru, Waterford. The Overwiped is heading S at half-speed.
170.   The Overwiped is heading SE at full-speed.
171.   The Overwiped is heading W at quarter-speed.
172.   The Overwiped is heading E at three-quarter speed.
173.   The Overwiped is heading W at quarter-speed. Prudi Jordan died at sea aboard the Overwiped from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
174.   The Overwiped sits motionless on the open sea, 393 miles off the coast of Death Isle. Madeleine Aldis died at sea aboard the Overwiped of natural causes; she was 63 years old. Esther Jordan died at sea aboard the Overwiped from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
175.   The Overwiped is heading S at quarter-speed. The crew of the Overwiped, which has been at sea for 6 years, are desperately trying to navigate the ship back to land; they may be hopelessly lost at sea. Leela Gilles died aboard the Overwiped, which had become lost at sea; she was 52 years old. Web Jordan died aboard the Overwiped, which had become lost at sea; he was 29 years old. Bernd Aldis died aboard the Overwiped, which had become lost at sea; he was 61 years old. Nerte Jordan died aboard the Overwiped, which had become lost at sea; she was 25 years old. Elizabeth Jordan died aboard the Overwiped, which had become lost at sea; she was 3 years old.
176.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving S on a gale. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving S on a gale.
177.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is slowly moving S on the wind. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving S on a sea breeze.
178.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving S on the wind. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving S on a sea breeze.
179.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is slowly moving S on a gale. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving S on a gale.
180.   Capt. Gabriel Zollie, captain of the Overwiped since 169, drowned in the open ocean after the Churchlike was shipwrecked; he was 35 years old. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving S on a sea breeze. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving S on the wind.
181.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving W on the wind. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is slowly moving W on the wind.
182.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is slowly moving W on a sea breeze. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving W on a sea breeze.
183.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving W on the wind. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving W on a sea breeze.
184.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving W on the wind.
185.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving W on the wind. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving NE on a gale.
186.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving E on a sea breeze.
187.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving S on a sea breeze. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is slowly moving S on a gale.
188.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is slowly moving S on the wind. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving S on the wind.
189.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving S on the wind. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving E on a gale.
190.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving E on a sea breeze. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving E on a gale.
191.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving E on a gale. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is slowly moving E on the wind.
192.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving E on a sea breeze. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving E on the wind.
193.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is slowly moving W on the wind. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving W on a gale.
194.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving W on a gale. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving W on the wind.
195.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is gradually moving W on a sea breeze. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving W on a sea breeze.
196.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving W on the wind.
197.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving N on a sea breeze. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is slowly moving N on the wind.
198.   The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is steadily moving N on a sea breeze. The Overwiped, a ghost ship, is slowly moving N on a gale. The Overwiped has sunk. It was 472 miles from land; there was no one aboard.