Holy Cross
Est. 350

Holy Cross is a small island in the Ocean of Diol that was discovered in the year 350 by the crew of the Snakeneck.


Area: 19.69 square miles
Coordinates: 7893, 9714


Discovered: 350
Discovery ship: Snakeneck
Discoverers: Bridget Aldis, Nunzio Aldis, Hamnet Aldis, Davon Aldis, Bernd Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Siouxie Aldis, Capt. Humbert Aldis, Brigida Aldis, Marius Aldis, Capt. Mel Aldis


Languages: Aniumustpyrx


Wilderness: Wilderness of Holy Cross
Settlements: SeaTac, Aldis Town
Abandoned settlements: None
Annexed settlements: None


Ships at port here: Insulance


Population: 6
Highest-ever population: 16, in 362


Inhabitants: Marius Aldis, Yolanthe Aldis, Eddy Aldis, Margarethe Aldis, Capt. Siegfried Noland, Worden Noland
Former inhabitants who left: Bridget Aldis, Yetty Aldis, Alexandra Noland, Bernd Aldis, Capt. Mel Aldis, Sibylla Aldis
Died here: list all 13...
Davon Aldis (Disease), Lelah Aldis (Infancy), Heddi Aldis (Murder), Bernd Aldis (Suicide), Brigida Aldis (Natural causes), Timi Aldis (Disease), Nunzio Aldis (Natural causes), Eddy Aldis (Natural causes), Siouxie Aldis (Natural causes), Hamnet Aldis (Natural causes), Capt. Humbert Aldis (Natural causes), Dale Aldis (Suicide), Melisent Noland (Disease)


Murders: Heddi Aldis (in the year 363 by Nunzio Aldis)


350.   A new island was discovered by the crew of Snakeneck. They call it Holy Cross. On it, they have founded a port called SeaTac.
354.   Davon Aldis, who in 350 discovered the island of Holy Cross along with 10 others, died in SeaTac, Holy Cross, after showing symptoms of disease; he was 46 years old.
364.   Bernd Aldis, who in 350 discovered the island of Holy Cross along with 10 others, took his own life in SeaTac, Holy Cross; he was 46 years old.
369.   Brigida Aldis, who in 350 discovered the island of Holy Cross along with 10 others, died in SeaTac, Holy Cross, of natural causes; she was 65 years old.
376.   Nunzio Aldis, who in 350 discovered the island of Holy Cross along with 10 others, died in SeaTac, Holy Cross, of natural causes; he was 65 years old.
377.   Eddy Aldis, who in 350 discovered the island of Holy Cross along with 10 others, died in SeaTac, Holy Cross, of natural causes; she was 62 years old.
380.   Siouxie Aldis, who in 350 discovered the island of Holy Cross along with 10 others, died in SeaTac, Holy Cross, of natural causes; she was 75 years old.
386.   Insulance is now docked at SeaTac, on Holy Cross.
388.   Hamnet Aldis, who in 350 discovered the island of Holy Cross along with 10 others, died in SeaTac, Holy Cross, of natural causes; he was 72 years old. Capt. Humbert Aldis, who in 350 discovered the island of Holy Cross along with 10 others, died in SeaTac, Holy Cross, of natural causes; he was 64 years old.
391.   The Snakeneck, under command of Capt. Mel Aldis, has left the harbor at SeaTac, Holy Cross.
392.   Bridget Aldis, who in 350 discovered the island of Holy Cross along with 10 others, died at sea aboard the Snakeneck of natural causes; she was 70 years old.
397.   Capt. Siegfried Noland, Margarethe Aldis, and Worden Noland, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on Holy Cross called Aldis Town, which they named for Margarethe Aldis.
399.   Capt. Mel Aldis, who in 350 discovered the island of Holy Cross along with 10 others, died at sea aboard the Snakeneck of natural causes; he was 77 years old.