Wilderness of Vonore

Wilderness of Vonore is the open, untamed, unincorportated area of the island of Vonore, Diol.


Location: Vonore


Population: 2
Highest-ever population: 18, (in 364)


Current inhabitants: Slade Vaclav, Annadiane Vaclav
Former inhabitants: Corey Vaclav, Zita Vaclav, Ruben Vaclav, Verge Vaclav, Imelda Vaclav, Bertie Vaclav, Lauri Vaclav, Teodorico Vaclav II, Nevins Noland, Layton Gilles, Demetris Vaclav, Ginger Gilles, Phillipe Vaclav, Carena Vaclav, Bethina Vaclav, Nevins Noland, Desaree Vaclav, Somerset Gilles, Georg Vaclav, Town Vaclav, Hamil Vaclav, Schuyler Vaclav, Hellene Vaclav, Halette Vaclav, Verge Guillermo, Pepito Gilles, Jere Vaclav, Barbe Vaclav, Klee Gilles, Bernelle Vaclav, Olwen Vaclav, Tallie Vaclav, Adiana Vaclav, Georg Vaclav, Darby Vaclav, Teodorico Vaclav, Bertie Vaclav, Ashton Vaclav, Virgie Vaclav, Lorene Gilles, Hansel Vaclav, Malinda Vaclav, Winonah Vaclav, Del Noland, Cybelle Vaclav, Nova Vaclav, Ediva Vaclav, Carena Vaclav, Gilbert Vaclav, Cary Vaclav, Bertie Vaclav, Florella Vaclav, Winonah Vaclav, Casper Vaclav, Demetris Vaclav, Kimmy Vaclav, Wynn Vaclav, Bethina Vaclav, Lindi Vaclav, Hakeem Vaclav, Jeth Vaclav, Elden Vaclav, Flora Vaclav, Patsy Vaclav, Schuyler Vaclav, Verne Vaclav, Eileen Vaclav, Lindi Vaclav, Kaycee Vaclav, Gabriella Vaclav, Bertie Vaclav, Durant Vaclav, Helsa Vaclav, Flora Vaclav, Russ Guillermo, Lauri Vaclav, Benedikta Guillermo, Thea Vaclav, Bertie Guillermo, Sonny Vaclav, Lena Vaclav, Elden Vaclav, Chicky Vaclav, Derby Vaclav, Bertie Vaclav, Carena Gilles, Quinton Vaclav, Vicki Vaclav, Quintin Vaclav, Hewitt Vaclav, Del Vaclav, Derby Vaclav, Lucian Vaclav, Srinivas Vaclav, Schuyler Vaclav, Schuyler Vaclav, Hakeem Vaclav, Luce Vaclav, Benedict Vaclav, Nikoletta Vaclav, Zita Vaclav, Quintin Vaclav, Alain Vaclav, Hamil Vaclav, Archy Vaclav, Toby Vaclav, Helsa Vaclav, Teodorico Vaclav, Anna Vaclav, Mable Guillermo, Rahal Vaclav, Griffith Vaclav, Jillene Vaclav, Pauly Vaclav, Srinivas Vaclav, Sonny Vaclav, Carroll Vaclav, Winonah Vaclav, Benedict Vaclav, Winonah Vaclav, Schuyler Vaclav, Hakeem Vaclav, Georg Vaclav, Tate Vaclav, Ev Guillermo, Donnie Guillermo, Samaria Guillermo, Rodge Vaclav, Rodge Vaclav, Athena Vaclav, Zita Vaclav, Gayleen Vaclav, Lena Vaclav, Jean-Pierre Vaclav, Merralee Vaclav, Augusta Vaclav, Michal Vaclav, Anna Vaclav, Renata Vaclav, Mable Vaclav, Srinivas Vaclav, Anna Vaclav, Hamil Vaclav, Lindi Vaclav, Lorene Vaclav, Johnny Vaclav, Zita Vaclav
People who died here: Tessy Gilles (Disease), Kevin Vaclav (Murder), Hakeem Vaclav (Starvation), Issy Vaclav (Suicide), Glen Vaclav (Starvation), Engracia Vaclav (Disease), Othilia Vaclav (Disease), Hansel Vaclav (Starvation), Hershel Vaclav (Starvation), Tim Vaclav (Starvation), Kaylil Vaclav (Infancy), Cybelle Vaclav (Infancy), Marko Vaclav (Starvation), Hakeem Vaclav (Starvation), Lindi Vaclav (Infancy), Janessa Vaclav (Starvation), Morna Vaclav (Starvation), Bertie Vaclav (Suicide), Weston Vaclav (Starvation)
Murders: Kevin Vaclav (in the year 316 by Barbe Vaclav)


306.   Tessy Gilles died alone in the wilderness of Vonore after showing symptoms of disease; she was 38 years old.
316.   Barbe Gilles murdered 23-year-old Kevin Vaclav in the wilderness of Wilderness of Vonore. Kevin Vaclav was murdered in the wilderness of Wilderness of Vonore by Barbe Gilles; he was 23 years old.
326.   Hakeem Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore of starvation; he was 50 years old.
347.   Issy Vaclav took her own life in the wilderness of Vonore; she was 36 years old.
354.   Glen Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore of starvation; he was 36 years old.
358.   Engracia Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore after showing symptoms of disease; she was 37 years old. Othilia Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore after showing symptoms of disease; she was 15 years old. Disease broke out in the wilderness of Vonore; two people died.
364.   Hansel Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore of starvation; he was 18 years old.
367.   Hershel Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore of starvation; he was 13 years old.
368.   Tim Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore of starvation; she was 20 years old.
370.   Kaylil Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore from complications related to infancy; she was only a year old. Cybelle Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore from complications related to infancy; she was not even a year old.
379.   Marko Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore of starvation; he was only a year old.
394.   Hakeem Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore of starvation; he was 25 years old.
396.   Lindi Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore from complications related to infancy; she was only a year old.
398.   Janessa Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore of starvation; she was 58 years old.
399.   Morna Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore of starvation; she was 5 years old.
400.   Bertie Vaclav took her own life in the wilderness of Vonore; she was 44 years old.
404.   Weston Vaclav died alone in the wilderness of Vonore of starvation; he was 13 years old.