St. George
Est. 372

St. George is a small island in the Ocean of Diol that was discovered in the year 372 by the crew of the Unconcessible.


Area: 227.41 square miles
Coordinates: 3536, 8278


Discovered: 372
Discovery ship: Unconcessible
Discoverers: Capt. Whittaker Vaclav


Languages: Aniumustpyrx, Monedusus, Georgean


Wilderness: Wilderness of St. George
Settlements: Vaclav Crest, Prasun Creek
Abandoned settlements: None
Annexed settlements: None


Ships at port here: Unconcessible, Episcenium, Relevator


Population: 41
Highest-ever population: current population


Former inhabitants who left: None
Died here: Towney Aldis (Infancy), Adelind Gilles (Freak accident), Capt. Whittaker Vaclav (Natural causes), Towney Aldis (Infancy), Hilary Gilles (Natural causes), Demetra Prasun (Natural causes), Debby Gilles (Natural causes), Onida Aldis (Infancy), Rene Vaclav (Natural causes)


Murders: None


372.   A new island was discovered by the crew of Unconcessible. They call it St. George. On it, they have founded a port called Vaclav Crest, which is named after Capt. Whittaker Vaclav.
394.   Episcenium is now docked at Vaclav Crest, on St. George.
398.   Capt. Whittaker Vaclav, who by himself in 372 discovered the island of St. George, died in Vaclav Crest, St. George, of natural causes; he was 67 years old.
401.   Relevator is now docked at Vaclav Crest, on St. George. Demetra Prasun, Eduardo Prasun, and Demetra Prasun, who met in the woods due to the close proximity of their campsites, started a new settlement on St. George called Prasun Creek, which they named for Demetra Prasun.