B. Soper and J. Musacchio, “A Non-zero-sum,
Sequential Detection Game,” Proc. of the the 53rd Annual Allerton
Conference on Communication and Control, Monticello, IL, October 2015.
B. Soper and J. Musacchio, “A Heterogeneous
Botnet Detection Game,” Proc. of International Conference on
NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (NETGCOOP), Trento, October
B. Soper and J. Musacchio, “A Botnet Detection Game,”
Proc. of the the 52nd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication and
Control, Monticello, IL, October 2014.
G. Schwartz, J. Musacchio, J. Walrand, and M. Felegyhazi, "Network Regulations and Market
Entry," Shanghai, China, GameNets Conference, April 2011.
J. Musacchio, G. Schwartz, and J. Walrand, ``Network
Economics: Neutrality, Competition, and Service Differentiation,''
book chapter, in Next-Generation
Internet Architectures and Protocols, edited by B.
Ramamurthy, G. Rouskas, and K. Sivalingam, Cambridge
University Press, 2011.
Musacchio, J. Walrand, R. Myers, S. Parekh, J. Mo, and G. Agrawal,
"Backpressure Mechanism for Switching Fabric," U.S.
Patent 7,426,185,
Issued September 16, 2008.
G. Agrawal, J. Musacchio, J. Mo,
and J. Walrand, "Characterizing Transmission of Data Segments Within a
Switch Fabric Using Multiple Counters for Each Destination Node," U.S.
Patent 7,480,246, Issued January 20, 2009.
G. Agrawal, J.
Musacchio, J. Mo, and J. Walrand, "Deficit-based striping algorithm,"
Patent 7,319,695, Issued January 15, 2008.