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2016 Activating NRF1-BRAF and ATG7-RAF1 fusions in anaplastic pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma without BRAF p.V600E mutation Phillips JJ, Gong H, Chen K, Joseph NM, van Ziffle J, Jin LW, Bastian BC, Bollen AW, Perry A, Nicolaides T, Solomon DA, Shieh JT Acta Neuropathologica PubMed
2016 Missense-Depleted Regions in Population Exomes Implicate Ras Superfamily Nucleotide-Binding Protein Alteration in Patients with Brain Malformation Ge X, Gong H, Dumas K, Litwin J, Phillips J, Waisfisz Q, Weiss M, Hendriks Y, Stuurman K, Nelson S, Grody W, Lee H, Kwok P Nat Genomic Med npj Genomic Medicine
2016 GBM heterogeneity as a function of variable epidermal growth factor receptor variant III activity. Lindberg OR, McKinney A, Engler JR, Koshkakaryan G, Gong H, Robinson AE, Ewald AJ, Huillard E, James CD, Molinaro AM, Shieh JT, Phillips JJ Oncotarget PubMed
2013 Twin Mitochondrial Sequence Analysis Bouhlal Y, Martinez S, Gong H, Dumas K, Shieh JT Mol Genet Genomic Med PubMed