Honors and Awards:
- IEEE 2017 Conference on Cloud and
Big Data Computing best paper award,
Topic: Secure and Private Cloud Storage Systems with
Random Linear Fountain Codes
- IEEE European Wireless 2010
conference best student paper award,
Topic: Opportunistic Interference Management.
- IEEE Fred W. Ellersick Award for
Best Unclassified Paper at the 2008 Milcom
Topic: Network Coding Multicast Capacity
- Our paper was selected as one of
the best papers at Wiopt 2007 conference.
- Best Paper Award at SPECTS 2007
Topic: Link lifetime analytical modeling
- Co-inventor of a patent that was
adopted by spectrum management of T1.E1.4 standard
- Senior Member of IEEE.
- Graduated first in MS program at
Sharif University of Technology.
- Graduated with high honor in BS
program at Sharif University of Technology.
Professional Acitvities:
- Technical Program Committee member, MASS 2012.
- Technical Program Committee member, MILCOM 2012.
- Technical Program Committee member, SPAWC 2012.
- Technical Program Committee member, ICASSP 2012.
- Technical Program Committee member, MILCOM 2011.
- Founder and CTO, Scale-free Untethered Network
Systems Technologies, July 2010.
- General Chair, IEEE SPAWC 2011.
- Technical Program Committee member, ICASSP 2011.
- Special session organizer on MANETs in Asilomar
- Technical Program Committee member, MILCOM 2010.
- Technical Program Committee member, SECON 2010.
- Technical Program Committee member, ICASSP 2010.
- Technical Program
Committee member, SPAWC 2010.
- Technical Program
Committee member, INFOCOM 2010.
- Technical Program
Committee member, WCNC 2010.
- Guest Editor,
International Journal of Digital Multimedia
Broadcasting, Special issue on Cognitive Radio
Technology 2009.
- Technical Program
Committee member, NetSciCom 2009.
- Technical Program
Committee member, AdHocNow 2009.
- Technical Program
Committee member, SPAWC 2009.
- Honorary Chair of Communication and Information
Theory Symposium, IWCMC 2009.
- Technical Program Committee member, ICASSP 2009.
- Technical Program
Committee member, INFOCOM 2009.
- Guest Editor, IEEE Communication Magazine, Special
issue on Advances in Signal Processing for Wireless
and Wired Communications, CFP.
- Technical Program
Committee member, ICC 2009.
- Technical Program
Committee member, SPAWC 2008.
- Registration Chair, Mobicom 2008.
- Technical Program
Committee member, Globecom 2008.
- Chair of Communication and Information Theory
Symposium, IWCMC 2008.
- Technical Program
Committee member, ICASSP 2008.
- Technical Program
Committee member, WCNC 2008.
- Technical Program
Committee member, Signal Processing for
Space Communications (SPSC) 2008 workshop.
- Technical Program
Committee member, INFOCOM 2008.
- Technical Program
Committee member, Globecom 2007.
- Technical Program
Committee member, ICASSP 2007.
- Technical Program
Committee member, SPAWC 2007.
- IEEE Signal Processing Society's Technical Committee
on Signal Processing for Communications, January
December 2011.
- Vice Chair of Communication Executive Committee of
IUCRP, November
2006 - 2008.
- Editor for Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN) Dec. 2006- Now.
- Chair of Communication
and Information Theory Symposium, IWCMC 2007.
- NSF Panelist, 2006, 2007, 2008,2009,2010.
- Technical Program
Committee member, ISBAT 2006.
- Technical Program
Committee member, Infocom 2007.
- Technical Program
Committee member, Globecom2006.
- Technical Program Committee member, Chinacom
- Guest Editor of
EURASIP, Special
on Wireless
Ad Hoc Networks, 2005.
- Member of International Program Committee of IASTED
Conference on Communication, Systems and Applications
- Chair of Communication
and Information Theory Symposium, IWCMC 2006.
- Technical Program Committee member, ICC2006.
- Technical Program Committee member, RAWCON2006.
- Technical Program Committee member, Globecom2005.
- Chair of Communication Theory Symposium, WirelessCom
- Technical Program
Committee member, BWAN2005.
- Technical Program
Committee member, ICC2005.
- Technical Program Committee member, Wireless ad hoc
and sensor networks workshop as part of Globecom 2004.
- Technical Committee member of a book on "Turbo Code
Applications: A journey from a paper to realizations.
- Technical Program Committee member, Globecom 2004.
- Technical Program Committee member, RAWCON2004.
- Technical Program Committee member, ICC2003.
- Guest Editor of EURASIP, Special issue on
Multicarrier Communications and Signal Processing,
- Senior Member of IEEE communications society.