import treemap.*; PImage[] rhythmGroupImages; String[][] rhythmGroupInfo; HashMap lengthCounts = new HashMap(); HashMap densityCounts = new HashMap(); HashMap typeCounts = new HashMap(); int numberRGs = 4000; String distanceMetric = "normEditDist/"; //editDist, linearity, leniency float visibleDepthThreshold = 0.9; RhythmGroupBinItem rootItem; RhythmGroupItem selectedItem; ArrayList selectedItemRGs; PFont font; float treeHeight = 0; int treemapWidth = 800; int treemapHeight = 500; int statusBarHeight = 200; int scrollBarWidth = 15; int infoBarWidth = 180; void draw() { background(255); textFont(font); //draw the status bar below it drawStatusBar(); //draw the info bar to the right drawInfoBar(); //draw the treemap if (rootItem != null) { rootItem.draw(); } //draw a box around the selected item if (selectedItem != null) selectedItem.drawOutline(); } public void setup() { //note that this needs to be changed in the index.html file on export, too //does not correctly copy over variable sizes //currently set to 800+180 x 600+305 = 980x905 size(treemapWidth + infoBarWidth, treemapHeight + statusBarHeight); rectMode(CORNERS); smooth(); //noStroke(); font = createFont("SansSerif", 13); parseRGTree(distanceMetric + "bins.txt", distanceMetric + "tree.txt"); importRGInfo("rg_info.txt"); } HashMap binList; HashMap treeStructure; void parseRGTree(String binFileName, String treeFileName) { //temporary storage for all the bins binList = new HashMap(); //temporary storage for tree structure treeStructure = new HashMap(); int rootId; //load data into the binList String[] lines = trim(loadStrings(binFileName)); if (lines != null && lines.length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { println("Processing bin: " + i); String[] rg_ids = split(lines[i], " "); for (int rg_count = 0; rg_count < rg_ids.length; rg_count++) { rg_ids[rg_count] = rg_ids[rg_count]; } //rootItem.addChild(new RhythmGroupBinItem(rootItem, "bin_" + i, i, 1, rg_ids)); binList.put(i, rg_ids); } } //load data into the treeStructure lines = trim(loadStrings(treeFileName)); if (lines != null && lines.length != 0) { //the first line contains the root node id rootId = int(lines[0]); //the remaining lists have the first number as the node and the remainder as its children for (int i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { print(lines[i] + " -> "); float[] info = float(split(trim(lines[i]), " ")); println(info); treeStructure.put(int(info[0]), subset(info, 1)); } //now build the tree float initDepth = treeStructure.get(rootId)[treeStructure.get(rootId).length - 1]; rootItem = new RhythmGroupBinItem(null, "root", 0, initDepth, null); for (int i = 0; i < treeStructure.get(rootId).length - 1; i++) { buildTree(rootItem, int(treeStructure.get(rootId)[i]), initDepth, i); } } if (rootItem != null) { rootItem.setBounds(0, 0, treemapWidth, treemapHeight); rootItem.contentsVisible = true; //rootItem.updateColors(); assignColors(); double numRGs = rootItem.calculateSizes(); print("Size of the tree: " + numRGs); rhythmGroupImages = new PImage[numberRGs]; } } void assignColors() { //first figure out how many bins there are at this depth threshold ArrayList initColoredBins = rootItem.getBinsAtDepth(visibleDepthThreshold); //prune out parents ArrayList removalList = new ArrayList(); for (RhythmGroupItem bin : initColoredBins) { //if it's a bin (i.e. if it has children) if (bin instanceof RhythmGroupBinItem) { //remove an item if one of its children is in the list as well for (int i = 0; i < ((RhythmGroupBinItem)bin).getItemCount(); i++) { RhythmGroupItem child = (RhythmGroupItem)((RhythmGroupBinItem)bin).items[i]; if (initColoredBins.contains(child)) { removalList.add(bin); break; } } } } for (RhythmGroupItem bin : removalList) { initColoredBins.remove(bin); } //add in all the siblings to those bins, as they're at this threshold too! ArrayList siblingBins = new ArrayList(); for (RhythmGroupItem bin : initColoredBins) { println("Found a sibling for: " +; siblingBins.addAll(bin.getSiblings()); } HashSet coloredBins = new HashSet(); coloredBins.addAll(initColoredBins); coloredBins.addAll(siblingBins); //assign a color to each of these bins int index = 0; for (RhythmGroupItem bin : coloredBins) { println("Bin: " +; bin.hue = map(index, 0, coloredBins.size(), 0, 360); bin.sat = 80; bin.bri = 80; index++; //the children of these bins should have the same hue bin.propagateColorToChildren(bin.hue); //also set its parent to have visible contents if (bin.parent != null) { bin.parent.contentsVisible = true; } } assignParentColors(rootItem, coloredBins); } float assignParentColors(RhythmGroupBinItem item, HashSet baseItems) { //base case: at the correct depth //if (item.depth <= visibleDepthThreshold) { if (baseItems.contains(item)) { return item.hue; } item.contentsVisible = true; //recursive case: the color is equal to the average of its children's colors float total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < item.getItemCount(); i++) { if (item.items[i] instanceof RhythmGroupBinItem) { total += assignParentColors((RhythmGroupBinItem)item.items[i], baseItems); } else if (item.items[i] instanceof RhythmGroupItem) { total += ((RhythmGroupItem)item.items[i]).hue; } } item.hue = total/item.getItemCount(); return item.hue; } void keyPressed() { if (key == 'd') { distanceMetric = "leniency/"; visibleDepthThreshold = 0.4; selectedItem = null; parseRGTree(distanceMetric + "bins.txt", distanceMetric + "tree.txt"); } } void mousePressed() { boolean expandTree = false; if (keyPressed) { if (key == CODED && keyCode == SHIFT) { expandTree = true; } } if (rootItem != null && rootItem.mouseInside()) { rootItem.mousePressed(expandTree); } //DEBUG if (selectedItem != null) { println("Selected item depth: " + selectedItem.depth); } } void buildTree(RhythmGroupBinItem parent, int childID, float depth, int order) { println("Processing: " + + "->" + childID + " at depth: " + depth); if (depth > treeHeight) treeHeight = depth; //base case: the child is a leaf node if (treeStructure.get(childID) == null || childID < binList.size()) { parent.addChild(new RhythmGroupBinItem(parent, "bin_" + childID, order, 0, binList.get(childID))); } //otherwise, add a regular bin node else { RhythmGroupBinItem child = new RhythmGroupBinItem(parent, "node_" + childID, order, depth, null); parent.addChild(child); //and recurse for adding the child's children float[] newChildren = treeStructure.get(childID); float newDepth = newChildren[newChildren.length-1]; for (int i = 0; i < newChildren.length - 1; i++) { buildTree(child, int(newChildren[i]), newDepth, i); } } } String folderContainer = "imgs/"; PImage getRGImage(int id) { PImage rgImage; if (id < 0 || id > rhythmGroupImages.length) return null; if (rhythmGroupImages[id] == null) { rhythmGroupImages[id] = loadImage(folderContainer + "rhythmgroup_" + id + ".png"); //resize them to the status bar height int h = rhythmGroupImages[id].height; int w = rhythmGroupImages[id].width; float ratio = float(w)/float(h); //new width = ratio * new height float new_height = statusBarHeight/6; rhythmGroupImages[id].resize(int(ratio*new_height), int(new_height)); } return rhythmGroupImages[id]; } boolean imageLoaded(int id) { return (rhythmGroupImages[id] != null); } /*void importImages(String folderContainer) { for (int i = 0; i < rhythmGroupImages.length; i++) { rhythmGroupImages[i] = loadImage(folderContainer + "rhythmgroup_" + i + ".png"); //resize them to the status bar height int h = rhythmGroupImages[i].height; int w = rhythmGroupImages[i].width; float ratio = float(w)/float(h); //new width = ratio * new height float new_height = statusBarHeight/6; rhythmGroupImages[i].resize(int(ratio*new_height), int(new_height)); } }*/ void importRGInfo(String filename) { //initialize the counter hashes lengthCounts.put("5", 0); lengthCounts.put("10", 0); lengthCounts.put("15", 0); lengthCounts.put("20", 0); densityCounts.put("low", 0); densityCounts.put("medium", 0); densityCounts.put("high", 0); typeCounts.put("swing", 0); typeCounts.put("regular", 0); typeCounts.put("random", 0); String[] info = loadStrings(filename); rhythmGroupInfo = new String[info.length][3]; for (int i = 0; i < info.length; i++) { rhythmGroupInfo[i] = split(trim(info[i]), " "); //length, type, density String rg_length = rhythmGroupInfo[i][0]; String rg_type = rhythmGroupInfo[i][1]; String rg_density = rhythmGroupInfo[i][2]; lengthCounts.put(rg_length, lengthCounts.get(rg_length) + 1); typeCounts.put(rg_type, typeCounts.get(rg_type) + 1); densityCounts.put(rg_density, densityCounts.get(rg_density) + 1); } }