import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Point; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * Turn you Canvas into an image! * See the main() for an example of turning a Canvas into a beautiful image. * There is no restriction on the size or dimensions of the canvas. * Dimensions will be automatically infered. * You can also set the background color! * Output format is PPM. * * Too lazy to do non-filled shapes, this will just fill them all. * * @author Eriq Augustine * @version 1.1.0 * @since 2016-01-25 */ public class Draw { public static final String DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATH = "image.ppm"; public static final Color DEFAULT_BG_COLOR = Color.WHITE; public static void main(String[] args) { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(); canvas.add(new Circle(100, new Point(250, 250), Color.BLACK, true)); canvas.add(new Rectangle(50, 50, new Point(50, 50), Color.RED, true)); canvas.add(new Triangle(new Point(350, 50), new Point(300, 100), new Point(400, 100), Color.GREEN, true)); canvas.add( new ConvexPolygon(new Point[]{ new Point(100, 300), new Point(150, 300), new Point(170, 330), new Point(170, 380), new Point(150, 410), new Point(100, 410), new Point(80, 380), new Point(80, 330) }, Color.BLUE, true)); canvas.add(new Circle(20, new Point(125, 355), Color.YELLOW, true)); // Simple call. draw(canvas); // More detailed call. draw(canvas, 500, 500, Color.GRAY, "myCoolImage.ppm"); } public static void draw(Canvas canvas) { draw(canvas, DEFAULT_BG_COLOR, DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATH); } public static void draw(Canvas canvas, Color bgColor, String filePath) { canvas = optimizeCanvas(canvas); // Discover the canvas dimensions. int width = 0; int height = 0; // Scan the canvas to get the correct dimensions. for (int i = 0; i < canvas.size(); i++) { if (canvas.get(i).getClass().getName().equals("Circle")) { Circle circle = (Circle)canvas.get(i); if (width < circle.getPosition().x + circle.getRadius()) { width = circle.getPosition().x + (int)circle.getRadius(); } if (height < circle.getPosition().y + circle.getRadius()) { height = circle.getPosition().y + (int)circle.getRadius(); } } else { ConvexPolygon polygon = toPolygon(canvas.get(i)); for (int j = 0; j < polygon.numVertices(); j++) { if (width < polygon.getVertex(j).x) { width = polygon.getVertex(j).x; } if (height < polygon.getVertex(j).y) { height = polygon.getVertex(j).y; } } } } draw(canvas, width, height, bgColor, filePath); } public static void draw(Canvas canvas, int width, int height, Color bgColor, String filePath) { Color[] image = getBase(width, height, bgColor); canvas = optimizeCanvas(canvas); for (int i = 0; i < canvas.size(); i++) { drawShape(image, width, canvas.get(i)); } try { writeImage(image, width, filePath); } catch (IOException ex) { System.err.println("Unable to write image: " + ex); ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Speed things up a bit by doing the polygon conversion upfront. */ public static Canvas optimizeCanvas(Canvas canvas) { Canvas newCanvas = new Canvas(); for (int i = 0; i < canvas.size(); i++) { if (canvas.get(i).getClass().getName().equals("Circle")) { newCanvas.add(canvas.get(i)); } else { newCanvas.add(toPolygon(canvas.get(i))); } } return newCanvas; } /** * Draw |shape| into |image|, overwriting anything that is already there. * We are being pretty lazy/inefficient and just checking every pixel. * * @todo Pay attention to fill status. */ private static void drawShape(Color[] image, int width, Shape shape) { for (int row = 0; row < image.length / width; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { if (isIn(new Point(col, row), shape)) { image[coordinatesToIndex(row, col, width)] = shape.getColor(); } } } } /** * Check if a point in a shape. * All non-circle shapes will just be converted to a convex polygon. * On the boundary counts as in. */ private static boolean isIn(Point point, Shape shape) { if (shape.getClass().getName().equals("Circle")) { return isIn(point, (Circle)shape); } return isIn(point, toPolygon(shape)); } private static boolean isIn(Point point, Circle circle) { return Math.abs(point.distance(circle.getPosition())) <= circle.getRadius(); } /** * Use the WRF method: */ private static boolean isIn(Point point, ConvexPolygon polygon) { int i = 0; int j = 0; boolean c = false; for (i = 0, j = polygon.numVertices() - 1; i < polygon.numVertices(); j = i++) { if (((polygon.getVertex(i).y > point.y) != (polygon.getVertex(j).y > point.y)) && (point.x < ( (polygon.getVertex(j).x - polygon.getVertex(i).x) * (point.y - polygon.getVertex(i).y) / (polygon.getVertex(j).y - polygon.getVertex(i).y) + polygon.getVertex(i).x))) { c = !c; } } return c; } private static ConvexPolygon toPolygon(Shape shape) { if (shape.getClass().getName().equals("ConvexPolygon")) { return (ConvexPolygon)shape; } if (shape.getClass().getName().equals("Circle")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't turn a Circle into a Polygon!"); } Point[] points; if (shape.getClass().getName().equals("Triangle")) { Triangle triangle = (Triangle)shape; points = getOrderedPoints(triangle); } else { // Rectangle Rectangle rect = (Rectangle)shape; points = new Point[]{ rect.getPosition(), new Point(rect.getPosition().x + rect.getWidth(), rect.getPosition().y), new Point(rect.getPosition().x + rect.getWidth(), rect.getPosition().y - rect.getHeight()), new Point(rect.getPosition().x, rect.getPosition().y - rect.getHeight()) }; } return new ConvexPolygon(points, shape.getColor(), shape.getFilled()); } /** * Get the points from a triangle in counter-clockwise order. * ConvexPolygon wants the points in CCW order to make computations easier. */ public static Point[] getOrderedPoints(Triangle triangle) { // Check for the winding order of the triangle. // (Since we onyl have three points, we can guarentee the are alreay in CW or CCW order. Point a = triangle.getVertexA(); Point b = triangle.getVertexB(); Point c = triangle.getVertexC(); Point aToB = new Point(b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y); Point bToC = new Point(c.x - b.x, c.y - b.y); double cross = aToB.x * bToC.y - aToB.y * bToC.x; if (cross > 0) { // Clockwise, need to revers. return new Point[]{c, b, a}; } else { // Counter-clockwise, good to go. return new Point[]{a, b, c}; } } /** * Get the base/background image. */ private static Color[] getBase(int width, int height, Color bgColor) { Color[] image = new Color[width * height]; for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { image[coordinatesToIndex(row, col, width)] = bgColor; } } return image; } private static int coordinatesToIndex(int row, int col, int width) { return row * width + col; } private static void writeImage(Color[] image, int width, String filePath) throws IOException { FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(filePath); writer.write("P3\n"); // Magic number writer.write(String.format("%d %d\n", width, image.length / width)); // Width, Height writer.write("255\n"); // Color intensity for (int row = 0; row < image.length / width; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { int index = coordinatesToIndex(row, col, width); writer.write(String.format("%3d %3d %3d", image[index].getRed(), image[index].getGreen(), image[index].getBlue())); // Make it look nice and not have trailing whitespace. if (col != width - 1) { writer.write(" "); } else { writer.write("\n"); } } } writer.close(); } }