Compiling Java Source From the Command Line
    1. Open a shell on the machine you wish to compile on.
    2. Change directory (cd) to the directory that contains the source file(s) (.java) that you want to compile.
    3. Enter the following command (modifying the source file name as appropriate):
    1. Open a shell on the machine you wish to compile on.
    2. Change directory (cd) to the directory that contains the source file(s) (.java) that you want to compile.
    3. Enter the following command (modifying the source names as appropriate)
    1. Open a shell on the machine you wish to compile on.
    2. Change directory (cd) to the directory that contains the source file(s) (.java) that you want to compile.
    3. Enter the following command:
             javac *.java
  1. Open a shell on the machine you wish to compile on.
  2. Change directory (cd) to the directory that contains the source file(s) (.java) that you want to compile.
  3. Enter the following command (note that you can compile single or multiple files by name or wildcards):
             javac -Xlint:unchecked

Running Java Programs From the Command Line
    1. Open a shell on the machine you wish to run on.
    2. Change directory (cd) to the directory that contains the program you want to run.
    3. Make sure the program has been compiled
    4. Enter the following command (note that the file name specified must be a .class file that contains a main method):
                        java YourClassName                         java -ea YourClassName