.. _grading: ================================= Grading Policy ================================= There will be four or five homework assignments and one final coding project toward your final grade. All your coding implementations and written reports are to be submitted to your own Git repository by the deadline. .. .. 1. **HW 1** -- by Sat midnight, 4/20/19, on Week 3, 15% .. Topic: Linear scalar advection .. 2. **HW 2** -- by Sat midnight, 5/4/19, on Week 5, 15% .. Topic: Nonlinear scalar advection .. 3. **HW 3** -- by Wed midnight, 5/22/19, on Week 7, 25% .. Topic: .. * Option 1: 1D Euler equations using the first- and second-order FVM schemes .. * Option 2: 1D Euler equations using the fifth-order WENO FDM scheme .. 4. **HW 4** -- by Tue midnight, 6/11/19, 30% .. Topic: .. * Option 1: 1D Euler equations using one of the higher-order FVM schemes (e.g., PPM, WENO) .. * Option 2: 2D Euler equations using the fifth-order WENO FDM scheme. .. 5. **Final Project** -- a different deadline is to be given for each, 15% .. Topic: theory problems, paper reviews, small and easy homework .. problems, etc.