.. _ch01_disclaimers: ======================= Disclaimers ======================= The course materials on AM 260, Computational Fluid Dynamics, are going to be progressively under development. The most parts of the contents of the materials are in progress and they are continuosly getting updated and modified throughout the quarter. Please keep in mind that the topics covered in this class are very widely spreadout in many different areas. The purpose of this classnote is to provide some levels of broader aspects in those various topics that play fundamental roles in scientific computing, serving as a good intelletual guidance for the course, and it is not meant to be perfect nor best. .. _ch01_course_mission: ======================= Course Mission ======================= This course introduces advanced graduate students to modern computational approaches for solving differential equations that arise in fluid dynamics, particularly for problems involving discontinuities and shock waves. Fundamentals of the mathematical foundations and computational solutions will be examined. .. _ch01_website: ======================= About the Website ======================= These online class materials are writen in `Sphinx `_. ======================= License ======================= All contents including example codes are lincesed under a `Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License `_.