.. latex-reference: Reference Manager =============================================== When you write a LaTeX document in a scholarly style, it is very important to include literatures that are relevant to your work. Often times, you end up with managing a large number of bibliographies. As you grow as a good independent researcher you are going to write numerous papers during your career. And, you start realizing that a list of bibliographies and references growns in time too, and managing such a database takes more and more time then. Consider you're writing a paper on a topic A. One obvious way is to take the following steps: * search google scholar for your articles, * click `Cite` from the search list, * click `BibTex` in the bottom of the pop-up window, * copy the content and paste to populate your database file (e.g., ``mybibfile_A.bib``) Now, consider you're also writing another paper on a topic B, which is related to A, so that you're going to cite some of the references you used in you paper A. In this case, what you would do is to copy ``mybibfile_A.bib`` to ``mybibfile_B.bib``, and start editing ``mybibfile_B.bib`` by adding/deleting new literatures. You would repeat this process on and on as you write more and more papers in future, and you wish to have a better control to manage your database for bibliographies. And the answer is yes, there are free open-source software packages to deal with this task for you. Two most popular ones are * BibDesk `article 1 `_, or `article 2 `_: works for Mac OS X * `JabRef `_: works for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X Also watch youtube tutorials on * `BibDesk Youtube `_ * `JabRef Youtube `_ The benefits of using these reference managing softwares include: * you only need to manage one single database file (e.g.,``mybibfile.bib``) * you can store this single database file somewhere on your computer * if you already have multiple ``.bib`` files, you can use these software to merge them into one * you just need to keep adding more references (no manual edits anymore) to your single database file using these softwares Let's take a look at an example below, in particular, go to line 498 and lines 506 -- 508: .. literalinclude:: ./LaTeXTemplates/JPCSLaTeXGuidelines.tex :language: latex :linenos: A short list if reference is found in ``mybibfile.bib``: .. literalinclude:: ./LaTeXTemplates/mybibfile.bib :language: latex :linenos: You can download all of the files in this section as a tarball: * :download:`template.tar <./LaTeXTemplates/template.tar>` To untar it, run a command:: $ tar xvf template.tar **NOTE** There is one minor problem that may annoy you in using reference managers. The problem is that, by design (meaning this is not a bug), these reference managers produce reference titles in all small letters, except for the first starting letter. For example, let's say that what you want is:: H. Clinton, D. Trump, On the Gibbs Phenomenon and its Resolution in 1D, Santa Cruz review 39 (159) (2020) 644-668. But instead, what you will see is:: H. Clinton, D. Trump, On the gibbs phenomenon and its resolution in 1d, Santa Cruz review 39 (159) (2020) 644-668. even though you use the default format that includes proper capitalizations:: @article{Clinton2020, __Markedentry = {[dongwook:6]}, Author = {H. Clinton, D. Trump}, Date-Added = {2016-09-29 08:05:31 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2016-09-29 08:05:31 +0000}, Journal = {Santa Cruz review}, Number = {159}, Pages = {644--668}, Publisher = {White House}, Title = {On the Gibbs Phenomenon and its Resolution in 1D}, Volume = {39}, Year = {2020}} This issue can be easily fixed by using ``{}``:: @article{Clinton2020, __Markedentry = {[dongwook:6]}, Author = {H. Clinton, D. Trump}, Date-Added = {2016-09-29 08:05:31 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2016-09-29 08:05:31 +0000}, Journal = {Santa Cruz review}, Number = {4}, Pages = {644--668}, Publisher = {White House}, Title = {On the {G}ibbs {P}henomenon and its {R}esolution in 1{D}}, Volume = {39}, Year = {2020}} or:: @article{Clinton2020, __Markedentry = {[dongwook:6]}, Author = {H. Clinton, D. Trump}, Date-Added = {2016-09-29 08:05:31 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2016-09-29 08:05:31 +0000}, Journal = {Santa Cruz review}, Number = {4}, Pages = {644--668}, Publisher = {White House}, Title = {{On the Gibbs Phenomenon and its Resolution in 1D}}, Volume = {39}, Year = {2020}} **NOTE** One last thing. How can we build ``.bib`` file with TexShop? Please read these articles: * `article 1 `_ * `article 2 `_ You can avoid doing this if you build your ``.tex`` and ``.bib`` files using a makefile instead of building directly from TexShop.