CVS in the Stuart Lab

Setup—Environment Variables

If you're using an SOE machine, you'll need to access the CVS repository remotely using SSH. To do that, add the following lines to your .cshrc file:

setenv CVS_RSH ssh
setenv CVSROOT

Note that you should replace USERNAME with your login name to the kilo cluster.

If you're not familiar with vi, then you should also change your EDITOR environment variable so that when you commit things, you'll be able to add a message.

setenv EDITOR emacs # or pico, or whatever is familiar

Checking out code

With the environment variables set, checking out code is simple:

cvs checkout MODULE_NAME

When you make changes, you can add them to the cvs repository with the commands:

cvs update
cvs commit

Adding your code to CVS

First create a directory containing everything that you want to import, and then cd into that directory. Decide what to name your module. For example, I put all the new little scripts that I write into a module named cvaske, because they have little in common other than I find them useful. Larger projects should probably get their own module names. Use this module name instead of MODULE_NAME in the following command

cvs import MODULE_NAME mystart myrelease

This will add the files in this directory and directories below it to CVS, but it doesn't change the current directory in anyway, and thus doesn't make it a fully managed CVS directory that you can commit changes from. Before modifying the code any further, you need to check it out in a new directory.

Adding files to an existing project

cvs add <filenames>
cvs commit

Removing files from an existing project

rm <filenames>
cvs delete <filenames>
cvs commit

Charlie Vaske—cvaske at soe ucsc edu
Last modified: Wed Jul 7 12:01:40 PDT 2004