Chap 7 - Inheritance


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Chap 7 - Inheritance

An example from Zoology

An example from java.lang

Other terms from inheritance

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Subtype Principle

Which toString() gets called?

Can't use Student fields from Person reference

Overriding vs Overloading

Dynamic Method Dispatch

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Dynamic Method Dispatch

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Access Modifiers, Method Overriding and the Subtype Principle

Generic Methods

Method equals() in Object

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When equals are not equal?

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Primitive Wrapper Classes

A Generic Numeric Method

Abstract Classes

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Predator-Prey: An abstract class

Pseudocode for Predator-Prey

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Counting Neighbors

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Multiple Inheritance

Multiple Inheritance

implements vs extends

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Can't instantiate an interface


Illegal Cast


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Author: Charlie McDowell


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