
Big Weather Web

Making a community infrastructure for reproducible numerical weather prediction.

Big Weather Web: A common and sustainable big data infrastructure in support of weather prediction research and education in universities

Collaborative Research and Education with Numerical Weather Prediction Enabled by Software Containers

I Aver: Providing Declarative Experiment Specifications Facilitates the Evaluation of Computer Systems Research

Validating experimental results in the field of computer systems is a challenging task, mainly due to the many changes in software and hardware that computational environments go through. Determining if an experiment is reproducible entails two …

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants by Managing Scientific Experiments Like Software

Independently validating experimental results in the field of computer systems research is a challenging task. Recreating an environment that resembles the one where an experiment was originally executed is a time-consuming endeavor. In this article, …

Tackling the Reproducibility Problem in Storage Systems Research with Declarative Experiment Specifications

Validating experimental results in the field of storage systems is a challenging task, mainly due to the many changes in software and hardware that computational environments go through. Determining if an experiment is reproducible entails two …