
Design and Implementation of a Metadata-Rich File System

JabberWocky: Crowd-Sourcing Metadata for Files

How Private are Home Directories?

Searching and Navigating Petabyte Scale File Systems Based on Facets

As users interact with file systems of ever increasing size, it is becoming more difficult for them to familiarize themselves with the entire contents of the file system. In petabyte-scale systems, users must navigate a pool of billions of shared …

A File System Query Language

Graffiti: A Framework for Testing Collaborative Distributed Metadata

Managing storage in the face of relentless growth in the number and variety of files on storage systems creates demand for rich file system metadata as is made evident by the recent emergence of rich metadata support in many applications as well as …

LiFS: An Attribute-Rich File System for Storage Class Memories

As the number and variety of files stored and accessed by a typical user has dramatically increased, existing file system structures have begun to fail as a mechanism for managing all of the information contained in those files. Many …

Richer File System Metadata Using Links and Attributes

Traditional file systems provide a weak and inadequate structure for meaningful representations of file interrelationships and other context-providing metadata. Existing designs, which store additional file-oriented metadata either in a database, on …