
The Chautauqua Workflow System

Chautauqua is an exploratory workflow management system designed and implemented within the Collaboration Technology Research group (CTRG) at the University of Colorado. This system represents a tightly knit merger of workflow technology and …

Community Help: Discovering Tools and Locating Experts in a Dynamic Environment

In a research community each research er knows only a small fraction of the vast number of tools offered in the continually changing environment of local computer networks. Since the on-line or off-line documentation for these tools poorly support …

Collaboration with Spreadsheets

Integrating object and agent worlds

Repositories provide the information system's support to layer software environments. Initially, repository technology has been dominated by object representation issues. Teams are not part of the ball game. In this paper, we propose the concept of …

Sharing Processes: Team Coordination in Design Repositories

Information systems support for design environments emphasizes object management and tends to neglect the growing demand for team support. Process management is often tackled by rigid technological protocols which are likely to get in the way of …

ConceptTalk: Kooperationsunterstützung in Softwareumgebungen

Die meisten CAD-Umgebungen betonen die Unterstatzung einzelner Arbeitspliitze und helfen nur sekundiir bei deren Kooperation. Wir schlagen einen umgekehrten Ansatz vor: Entwiirfe entstehen im Rahmen von interagierenden Sharing-Prozessen, die den …