
Enabling seamless execution of computational and data science workflows on HPC and cloud with the Popper container-native automation engine

The problem of reproducibility and replication in scientific research is quite prevalent to date. Researchers working in fields of computational science often find it difficult to reproduce experiments from artifacts like code, data, diagrams, and …

Popper 2.0: A Container-native Workflow Execution Engine For Testing Complex Applications and Validating Scientific Claims

A Containerized Mesoscale Model and Analysis Toolkit to Accelerate Classroom Learning, Collaborative Research, and Uncertainty Quantification

Software containers can revolutionize research and education with numerical weather prediction models by easing use and guaranteeing reproducibility.

Collaborative Research and Education with Numerical Weather Prediction Enabled by Software Containers

The Role of Container Technology in Reproducible Computer Systems Research

Evaluating experimental results in the field of com- puter systems is a challenging task, mainly due to the many changes in software and hardware that computational environ- ments go through. In this position paper, we analyze salient features of …