Chairing the SC21 Reproducibility Initiative
Enhancing reproducibility of accepted papers and leading the student reproducibility challenge.
I’m honored to have been selected to chair the SC21 Reproducibility Initiative and to work with Reproducibility Initiative Vice Chair Ivo Jimenez (UC Santa Cruz), Reproducibility Challenge Chair Le Mai Weakley (Indiana University), Artifact Description and Artifact Evaluation Appendices Co-Chairs Tanu Malik (DePaul University) and Anjo Vahldiek-Oberwanger (Intel), Journal Special Issue Chair Stephen Harrell (Texas Advanced Computing Center) and Journal Special Issue Vice Chair Scott A. Michael (Indiana University).
A particular focus of this year’s Initiative will be advance Artifact Evaluation. Based on experience of top tier systems conferences SOSP'19 and OSDI'20, authors of accepted papers will be able to apply for badges certifying public availability of artifacts, artifacts passing review, and artifacts reproducing results.
See here for details.