Presentation at OSLS 2019

The Linux Foundation invited me to the Open Source Leadership Summit that this year, very conveniently, took place in Half Moon Bay.
I was selected to present on how to leverage research universities (pdf, prezi). Abstract: “Once Ph.D. students graduate, they tend to throw away what are often pretty amazing software infrastructures they built as part of their research project. One of the exceptions is Ceph because Sage Weil was able to build a community around what was 12 years ago just a research prototype. To enable more students to have a similar career as Sage, I founded the Center for Research in Open Source Software (CROSS) to offer students a career path to OSS leadership. Now sustained by six industry members, CROSS is funding three incubator and three research projects, and teaches an undergraduate course on how to submit Linux kernel patches.”
The event was amazing: it was great to see friends again, some of whom had a great influence on the design of CROSS, and to meet people with exciting new perspectives. All the keynotes are online and the slides of most of the presentations are as well. It all took place at the beautiful Ritz Carlton Half Moon Bay, food and desert had plenty of gluten-free options, and, something I had never seen before, there was soy milk and oats milk next to the coffee!