Digital storage systems are becoming the primary keepers of the world’s information. They store the crown jewels of enterprises, the cultural heritage of our civilization, and personal records such as photos, correspondence, and movies. Storage systems also tend to dominate the performance and reliability in computer systems -- from personal laptops to the largest computer systems in the world. The exponentially growing need for data capacity and access speed is making storage systems one of the fields with the most robust demand for bright people.
This graduate-level course will cover a wide range of storage systems aspects, from the characteristics and operation of individual storage devices to the design and implementation of petabyte-scale, distributed file systems. The readings are taken from the current research literature and articles of historical significance.
Prerequisites: you are expected to have basic operating system knowledge, such as presented in a standard undergraduate course such as CMPS 111. Furthermore, you are expected to have taken CMPS 221, Advanced Operating Systems. Others will be admitted with the instructors permission based upon demonstrated systems background and sophistication necessary for successful completion of the course.
Course Requirements
One or more articles will be assigned as reading prior to each class meeting - usually two per class. These articles should be read carefully, and a short summary of each article and a few questions or insightful comments about the material (at least 3 per paper) prepared for the following class meeting. The summary of each article consists of brief answers to the following seven questions:
1. What is the problem the authors are trying to solve?
2. What other approaches or solutions existed at the time that this work was done?
3. What was wrong with the other approaches or solutions?
4. What is the authors' approach or solution?
5. Why is it better than the other approaches or solutions?
6. How does it perform?
7. Why is this work important?
8. 3+ comments/questions
Each student will give a presentation on two papers during the quarter. The presentations will thoroughly cover the material in the paper including the goals of the research, important background information, the details of the research, the results, and the significance of those results. The presenter will also be prepared to lead the class discussion about the paper.
You will be required to write a report on a topic in the area of storage systems. This report should be the results of a project, original research (preferred), or a strong survey of prior art. Reporting work done for another course is not acceptable. You must choose a topic by second week of the quarter. Each student will give a final presentation on their project at the end of the quarter.
Your grade in the course is based 25% on preparedness and class participation, 25% for presentations, and 50% for your term project and report.
Class attendance is required. This is a discussion-based seminar course and you will not pass if you routinely miss class.
Academic Honesty
All the work you turn in must be your own. If you get ideas or material from any source other than your own mind (even from conversations with others), you must cite that source. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism and will not be tolerated - you will not pass the course.