ghotptp.txt is based on created by Chad Brown about October 2006, with 8789459 bytes. It has 13788 lines, one thf sentence per line. I selected the longest line, which is line 7318 with 7015 characters, into ghotptp-longest.txt. Then I ran hotptp-yl-parser-verbose < ghotptp-longest.txt > ghotptp-longest.tree egrep -v '^ *<.*>$' ghotptp-longest.tree | awk '{i=match($0,"[^ ]");s=substr($0,1,(i-1)/2);print s $2;}' > ghotptp-longest.tokens The second command extracts the tokens with their indentation, one token per line, into ghotptp-longest.tokens. There appear to be 1296 tokens. Matching parens and square brackets line up under each other. Relative indentation of unrelated tokens (e.g., ^ and @) is not easy to interpret; however, relative indentation of various occurrences of the same token is reliable. Thus, it is evident that @ is being parsed as left-associative. Other visual checking should be done to confirm that the sentence is being parsed as intended. --Allen Van Gelder, Nov. 3, 2006.