@Article{VanGelder88, Author="Van Gelder, Allen", Title="{A Satisfiability Tester for Non-Clausal Propositional Calculus}", Journal="Information and Computation", VOLUME=79, NUMBER=1, YEAR=1988, MONTH=oct, PAGES="1--21", ANNOTE="{ An algorithm for satisfiability testing in the propositional calculus with a worst case running time that grows at a rate less than $2^{(0.25+\epsilon)L}$ is described, where $L$ is the length of the input expression. This represents a new upper bound on the complexity of non-clausal satisfiability testing. The performance is achieved by using lemmas concerning assignment and pruning that preserve satisfiability, together with choosing a "good" variable upon which to recur. For expressions in CNF, it is shown that an upper bound is $2^{0.128L}$. }" }