Engineering of Software The Continuing
Contributions of Leon J. Osterweil
Peri L. Tarr and Alexander L. Wolf (eds.)
Hardcover, ISBN
Special discounted price:
75 USD
(Springer price: 90 GBP)
Software engineering research can
trace its roots to a few highly influential individuals. Among that
select group is Leon J. Osterweil, who has been a major force in
driving software engineering from its infancy to its modern reality.
For more than three decades, Prof. Osterweil's work has fundamentally
defined or significantly impacted major directions in software
analysis, development tools and environments, and software process--all
critical parts of software engineering as it is practiced today. His
exceptional contributions to the field have been recognized with
numerous awards and honors through his career, including the ACM
SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award, in recognition of his extensive and
sustained research impact, and the ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator
Award, in recognition of his career-long achievements as an educator
and mentor.
In honor of Prof. Osterweil's profound accomplishments, this book was
prepared for a special honorary event held during the 2011
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). It contains
some of his most important published works to date, together with
several new articles written by leading authorities in the field,
exploring the broad impact of his work in the past and how it will
further impact software engineering research in the future. These
papers, part of the core software engineering legacy and now available
in one commented volume for the first time, are grouped into three
sections: flow analysis for software dependability, the software
lifecycle, and software process.
Introduction to “Engineering
of Software: The Continuing Contributions of Leon J. Osterweil”. Part
I: Flow Analysis for Software
Dependability. Part II: The
Lifecycle. Part III: Software