
PhD Computer Engineering (2021)


About Me

I am a graduate student at the University of California, Santa Cruz pursuing a Ph.D in Computer Engineering with an emphasis in Robotics and Control. My research interests are hybrid dynamical systems more specifically switched controllers. Moreover I am interested in research areas such as sensor fusion and probabilistic perception, MPC, control and planning in the presence of uncertainties, human decision modeling, and human-robot interaction.

I am currently part of the UC Santa Cruz Hybrid Systems Lab is lead by Prof. Ricardo Sanfelice.

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Featured Skills

(endorsement in linked in)
Programming (matlab,python,C,java)87%
Team work 96%
Research 77%


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Worked on sensor fusion and embedded system programming for a solar panel tracker

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UC Berkeley

Worked on Developing a modified version of algorithm of Rapidly-exploring Random Tree to traverse in a given space and return a feasible trajectories for autonomous systems (shortest path problem with cost function)

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Worked on control synthesis to create a domain-specific language that allows for faster programming of autonomous vehicles while ensuring valid constraints are met.


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A safe autonomous vehicle trajectory domain speciffic modeling language for non-expert develpment DSM

LManaging complexity while ensuring safely designed behaviors is important for cyber-physical systems as they are continually intro- duced to consumers, such as autonomous vehicles. Safety consid- erations are important as programming interfaces become open to experts and non experts of varying degrees. Autonomous vehicles are an example system where many domain experts must collab- orate together to ensure safe operation. Through the use of higher level abstraction, domain experts may provide verification tools to check dynamic behavioral constraints...

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Constraint-Based modeling of autonomous vehicle trajectories Developmeny

Autonomous vehicles and other robotics systems are frequently implemented using a general-purpose programming language such as C++, and prototyped using domain-specific tool such as MATLAB/Simulink, and LabVIEW. Such an approach is not efficient when programming primitive motions of autonomous vehicles when considering important safety constraints, and when promoting the broad access to robotic systems through involvement of students and aspiring students who do not know conventional low-level programming languages. Aside from general-purpose programming languages, there are languages that are specifically designed to model autonomous vehicles, such as SHIFT, but these languages are typically for simulation purposes only....

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Other research papers on progress Design

Few papers on progress


Volunteered in MKC Ethiopia for 3 month

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non-profite works/volunteer

collaboration research


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