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Final Projects


Blog: Thank Bret Victor

Blog: Thank Mike Marmarou (Apple)

The other people are: Jay Silver (Makey Makey), Brandon Tearse (Google), Sebastian Alvarez (Stanford).

Each person gets their own post! Do not put them all in one. Use pictures!!

Blog: Memories (What did you learn) and Goodbyes :`(

Github and Blog: ALL YOUR PROJECTS

Blog whatever you had finished!

Clean up your Githubs.. Fork your projects!

Blog: Comment and Respond to Comments!

Blog: Final Project Writeup

Link your final proj and/or the photos to a blog.

Gold Stars

/soe/sherol/.html/teaching/data/attic/spcs/summer2014/d14.1406921414.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/08/01 12:30 by ffpaladin