From: Jack Lee (Li, Feng)


Subject: Reunion

 Yes, the reunion should have more classmates to come
 not neccessary from 7773 or 7772.
 When you have final address list, do not forget to email
 it to me.
 Bless you all.
 By the way, the host of this web (Dai Sa?):
 I have registered two domain names: and My classmate Yang Hai Tao tols me
 that I can use my onw computer to be the server. Can you
 give me some tips?
 Thanks a lot.
 And hope somebody who has his family's photo scanned
 can send me some pics. If I want to send my photo to
 this site, which address should I use?
 Be with you.
 Jack Lee (7773 - Li, Feng)