Street steepness in Santa Cruz

Peter Froud — CS 161 Winter 2017

Project description

I aim to make a map of Santa Cruz showing the steepness of major streets, inspired by Toby Eglesfield’s map for the disAbilities Resource Centre in Queenstown, NZ:

Toby wrote a lot about his design process. The map combines:

My map won’t contain POIs and will be targeted for commuter bicycling or walking.

Goals list


  1. Week 4 (done!): render road paths from OpenStreetMap to SVG using D3.js. Check out map.html.
  2. By week 7: Design and implement generic graphics for ramps showing elevation. This will probably be the hardest part. I'll need to apply perspective to the map for anything pseudo-3D to make sense, and determine how to draw ramps.
  3. Week 7: Gather elevation data and attach to map. In theorey, this step will be replacing dummy data with real elevation data.
  4. Week 8-9: Add interactivity. The user should be able to click on road segments and view elevation profiles. I beleive 3D has some built-in tools for this.
  5. Polish UI, if time permits. Adding trees, bodies of water, whatever.
Incorporate elevation data Elevation Point Query Service, an API! (example request) Bulk Point Query Service, where you upload up to 500 request in a CSV file The National Map Elevation viewer, where you can draw a path and get an elevation profile

Prior art

Topographic maps display elevation using lines of constant elevation. The topo map from the USGS, avaliable at, is extremly dense. A single-page map, which is more than half water, is more than 20 MB. Screenshot of detail below.

Terrain maps use shading to make the ground appear 3D. Terrain maps are easier to visually interpret than topographic maps, but can still be overwhelming. In the screenshot below from Google Maps, consider the density of slopes on UCSC campus.

In constrast to a terrain and topo maps, I would like my map to be visually simple. Several others have made maps specifically concerning road steepness.

Hill Mapper San Francisco by Sam Maurer shows whether streets go up or down and their steepness depending on where you're starting from:

In The Steeps of San Fransisco, Stephen Von Worley set out to find San Fransisco's steepest street and made a color-graded map:

A post on the Atlas Lens blog shows whether roads are steep or not in Hermann, Missouri: