CMP 161 -- Programming Assignment 2

Due date:
Wed, 3/15/2017, 11:59 pm


Learn D3 by extending an existing infovis technique. Apply and evaluate new technique. "cyclic streamgraph"

To Do:


Each and every assignment should have proper documentation. Documentation includes: (i) code documentation, (ii) user documentation, (iii) technical writeup of the assignment. The 1st two items are self-explanatory and you should have experience with these from previous classes.

The 3rd item is a short technical paper, about 4-6 pages long, that describes the problem, your approach, and results. In this case, you want to talk about your implementation of cyclic streamgraphs, limitations/constraints and/or features of your implementation, specifications/formats of output, how you ordered the layers and how you determined the baseline, any combinations/customizations you used/designed, etc. Make sure the captions for your visualizations are clear. Add relevant discussions about visualization algorithm and results e.g. strengths and weaknesses of this method.

The technical paper should be a pdf file. Single spaced. You can use a single column or a double column format. Font size should be 8 or 10 points. If using single column, you can conserve space by laying out your images in a row (i.e. a row of images across the page).

Items To Submit:


This program nominally accounts for 10% of your final grade. Programs turned in at least a full day early will earn 1% bonus credit. Late programs will not be accepted. Bonus credits may be accumulated up to a total of 50% toward program and final project credits. This program is graded 70% for functionality and correctness, 30% for experimentation, readability, documentation/writeup. Additional points may also be earned for extra features.


Submission must be done using the submit utility from CATS (e.g.

Last modified Sunday, 02-Jun-2019 10:34:56 PDT.