Under Construction

Victor Nguyen

Description: This project will make a visualization of common item builds that have been suggested, compare the builds with other item builds to see what stats are boosted for a particular champion. I want to be able to see the champion’s base stats and see what is increased as an item is added to the slot. In this project you’ll be able to compare item builds side by side and so a player can decide what kind of item build they would prefer using. Items would also display its costs and materials needed to build it. It allows the user to see what the most commonly used item is and what are the base stats for the champion when he or she is when at level 1-18? It could also answer some questions like what is the most versatile item build or what is the most cost effective item build?

Components and features: Display the item’s components or build tree. Display the 20 common item builds. Display the stats that items increase and by how much. Display base stats for the champion. Be able to change the level of the champion. Display the costs of the items and the total cost of the item builds It would be a nice feature if I can change a few more select champions. It would be a bit difficult to add all 92 champions.

Timeline: (Feb 6-10) acquire the necessary data
(Feb 13-17) Map out the best way to visualize the data and start prototyping *Prog 1 due Friday
(Feb 22-24)Be able to display both the champion and the item builds *Exam 1 Wed
(Feb 27- Mar 2) Prototype the interface and Demo project
(Mar 5-9) Continue prototyping and see if more features can be added *Prog 2 is due Fri
(Mar 12-16) Free space in case of falling behind on project *Exam 2(Fri)
(Mar 19) Write up and presentation
