Scientific Illustration of Space Explorations

By Kimberly Shannon - CS161 Winter '12


The aim of this project is to complete an interactive model of space explorations. The user will be able to navigate a scaled model of our solar system and view each planet or moon, along with the various missions launched to it. Navigation will be done entirely via mouse. The majority of the data for each mission will be represented with visual cues, with the minority (name, launch date) shown through text.

Here's an preliminary idea of what it may look like, though the text would not be included.


Create solar system navigable through picking objects and dragging the mouse
Render missions via particle system
Allow user to view mission specifics through picking mission object
Allow user to use filter to find missions e.g. by country of origin, destination, objective
Nice to have: Animation of mission objects, planetary objects



50 Years of Space Exploration
Missions to Mars
"OpenGL Programming Guide 7th Edition", Ch7 Display Lists, Ch9 Texture Mapping (p414, 463),Ch13 Selection and Feedback (p614,646)
"Interactive Computer Graphics 5th Edition", Ch3.8 Picking, Ch5.7.2 Walking Through a Scene, Ch8.5.3 Picking, Ch9.7.3 Particle Systems