Air Quality in the United States

CMPS 161 Final Project - Winter '12

By: Nick Jones --


Project Description:
The basic idea of this project is to visualize various types of pollution in the United States over the past decade. It displays points of data colored to match the air quality in the area they are placed. Color scheme goes from red to yellow to green, which are unhealthy, moderate, and good respectively. The user is able to switch between years and view how the air quality has change since 2001.

A snapshot of the visualization.

This project was developed using c++ with OpenGL and GLUT in the Visual Studio deveopment environment. It stores most of the data in vectors of data structs, iterating over the data objects in the vector to draw them and get necessary data. The program is structured so that each data file is read in first and an object is created and stored for each piece of data. The final bit of data (the location) is then added to each data object by searching through another data file with the related material, thought this makes for rather long load times. Many related works can be found at various weather and news sites (ie NOAA,, etc).

User Guide:
Very simple, use z and x to switch between years, numbers 1-5 in console correspond to 2001,2003,2005,2007,2009 respectively.