Visualizing the aftereffects of Earthquakes

By: Alexandr Syskin

CMPS 161 Winter 2012


I am trying to visualize what happens after and during earthquakes. Namely, I am trying to visualize any possible trends and such in the data that I have. The five metrics I chose are: death toll, damage, GDP of all countries affected, duration of shaking, and moment magnitude.

Useful Links


There are no related works to this as far as I can tell. I used three visualizations tools: parallel coordinates, scatterplots, and a simple table. One scatterplot displays the moment magnitude of an earthquake on the y-axis and the duration of shaking on the x-axis and the other displays the GDP on the y-axis and the damage on the x-axis. The table displays the current earthquake and all the data for it. References I used are are all websites as a result of me having no papers to refer to. Here is one more image showing the parallel coordinates plot.

User Guide

Open up Earthquake Vis in any browser, preferably Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Next, click on a dot. Finally look at the data that appears. Keep in mind that the blue line for the parallel coordinate graph and the red dots on both scatterplots are the data for the selected earthquake.