Thomas Lindsey Freeman Final Project Proposal CMPS 161 Winter 2011

Transformers Animation Project: The Admin Transformer

This project will allow the user to control the all powerful Admin Transformer, a vehicle capable of converting from a regular car to a plane or a mechanized walker (in any order). In total there will be six major animation changes (perhaps more if time permits) that will be combined together at various stages to show the vehicle transforming between the different modes along with several animations for the vehicle modes while in use.

Vehicle Modes and Animations

Car mode:

Plane mode:

Walker mode:


The environment for the vehicle will be heightmap generated terrain which the vehicle can collide with, and if time permits, the animations will be affected by the terrain’s shape.

Tools used

3DS Max will be used in the construction of the various parts of the vehicle along with the major animations. The exported model and animations will be then imported into the OpenGL project which will be using the QT SDK as the programming tool. The importing of the models and animations will be handled by the Cal3D open source toolset which will be integrated into the project.

Timeline/To Do

Relevant Research Links (More to come)