User Guide

This program can be used with a combination of key commands and pop-up menu commands. When the program is opened, a bone skeleton and mesh will automatically be loaded from the files, "skeleton" and "dragon.obj." The skeleton along with the mesh points should show up.

key commands:

Left, Right, Up, Down: Rotate the dragon around the x and y axes.
w: switch between wireframe and solid mode when the dragon is being drawn
c: change the current bone to the next bone in the tree
d: toggle between drawing the mesh
f: if in keyframe mode, switch to next keyframe in sequence
h: translate to the left
k: translate to the right
+ and - : change whatever value is currently being selected. The following keys switch values to change
s: switch to scale mode
x: switch to rotating the current bone around the x axis
y: switch to rotating the current bone around the y axis
z: switch to rotating the current bone around the z axis
l: switch to changing length of the bone
i: switch to bone influence mode
e: change to duration of the current keyframe if in keyframe mode.

menu commands:

Right Click on the screen to access pop-up menu.

Save Skeleton: will save the skeleton with all the point-bone connections
Append to Animation File: If in Edit Mode, will append the current position of the dragon to the animation file
Load Animation File: will Load the animation file called "anim"
Animate Mode: If an animation file has been loaded, will loop animation. Make sure the dragon mesh is being drawn by hitting d
Edit Mode: Will allow the user to click on bones and rotate them as well as click on points to add or subtract from the bone's influence
Keyframe Mode: If an animation file is loaded, lets a user step through the keyframes by hitting 'f'
Recalculate Bone Points: Will through out the current bone point associations and recalculate them using distance
Save Animation: If any changes were made to the animation in Keyframe mode, this will save them to the anim file.