Final Project README Alan Haug, CMPS 160 Winter 2011 3/17/11 my_math.h doughboi.h doughboi.cpp main.cpp How to use it : - in visual studio [ctrl-F5] to compile and run CONTROLS: MOUSE CURSOR: click on one of the following body parts to see a special animation: left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg, head, stomach. ARROWS: rotate the doughboi model around in space 'x', 'z': zoom in, zoom out 'w': toggle wireframe mode (aka bullet-time) 'esc': exit the program. texture load_texture_raw() originally titled "LoadTextureRAW()" found from : shown here with some modifications by Alan Haug picking setup and layout inspiered by this tutorial: The program displays a default 500x500 window (can be resized) with a black background and a human-like figure with the face of a Pillsbury Doughboy and a hat. Clicking on a limb (arm, leg, left or right) triggers an animation response from the figure. The animations can only play one at a time, except for the breathing which happens constantly. Some animations may interrupt others while, some will wait for any currently being executed to complete before starting. Make sure the file 'textr.raw' is in the same directory as the program. This contains the Pillsbury Doughboy face texture