Name Duy Dao Class 161 To complile the Program in linux. Type "%gmake final". To run the program type. Type "final". This is the instruction to compile and run. To complile the Program in Windows. I used Dev c++ to create this program. I add the "final" file into a project in Dev c++, and then I click "complile and run". It runs. Using Keyboard for interaction with the program: # Hold "d": to drop the snow particles. After hold 'd' 2-3 seconds, it is auto dropping, so u can take your hand off 'd'. # Press "e": to initialize the vaporized method. This means that when the snowy particles hit the ground, it will slowly vaporized. The particles have different masses, so some of them take longer to Vaporized # Press "r": To reset everything back to the original points # Press "Esc": Exit program # "Right Click" + "Moving the mouse" : to rotate the objects # "Left Click" + "Moving the mouse" : to Zoom in/out # Press "Arrows keys" on the keyboard: To rotate the camera