Alon Chanukov and Christopher Ward
CMPS 161 Winter 2009
We have created an simulation of a dragon. We have a basic 3D model but was able to have it walk, fly, swing it's tail about,
and even breath fire. We wrote our code using Microsoft Visual C++, thus we don't have an executable or a make file. Just
build the solution and run it.

We have quite a few controls:
q - quits the program
s - changes camera so that is looking at the side from above
f - changes camera so that it is looking at the front of the dragon
b - changes camera so that it is looking at the back of the dragon
a - changes camera so that it is looking at the dragon from above
u - chagnes camera so that it is looking at the dragon from below
r - returns camera to it's initial position
c - does the same thing as pressing r
1 - causes the dragon to walk around in a circle
2 - causes the dragon to swipe it's tail
3 - causes the dragon to wag it's tail
4 - causes the dragon to take off and fly if pressed again then it will come back down to the ground
5 - does nothing
6 - opens mouth
7 - closes mouth
8 - shoots fire