Walter Gray Final Project Building: All required libraries, headers, and dlls are included. Use prog5.sln to build under Visual Studio 2008 Express in both Debug and Release modes, or prog5VC2005 for Visual Studio 2005. The .sln files in should have everything you need already setup. Game Rules: The screen begins blank, but you may create new cells by right-clicking. Cells May not leave the confines of the screen, and will bounce off if they are thrown against it. Cells will divide only if they have less than 4 neighbors, and will die if they have more than 5. Controls: -Left Click/Drag - Select and move an object about the screen -Right Click - Create a new cell at the current position -w/s - increase/decrease the amount of brownian motion -a/d - increace/decrease the world frictional coefficient - Cannot drop below 0 -p - toggle drawing the spring connections. Notes: Collision detection will begin to take up a tremendous amount of processor time very suddenly thanks to it's unoptimized O(n^2)/2 behavior. Be warned not to make too many cells.