CMPS161 Final Project - The Golden Orb

by Evan Stitt

The Golden Orb is a first-person adventure game designed and written by Evan Stitt. The
goal of the game is to find and acquire The Golden Orb, which is located somewhere within
the 3-dimensional world in which the player is placed at the beginning of the game. There
are some obstacles that must be avoided, and a relatively simple puzzle that must be solved
in order to reach the Orb.

User's Guide:
w: move forward
s: move backward
a: turn to the left
f: turn to the right
e: use/pickup item
left arrow: strafe left
right arrow: strafe right

1: switch to wireframe mode
2: switch to polygon mode
4: toggle fog on/off
5: toggle animation on/off

Sample Output

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4
Screenshot 5 Movie Clip