Patrick Auld

I made a Simulation for my final project.

  Everyone tries to balance their color, r, g and b, as they survive.  Everyone starts with 100% g and b and 0% r.
  Then r rises with time and g and b shrink, al of these with differencing rates deepening on the individual.
  An individual then picks what ever color is in the most need an executes an activity to increase or decrease, respectively, that color.
 G - When an individual wants to work on g they try and go to the center, however the center has a very slippery dome on it so it gets hard.
 B - Hop.
 R - Find the closest individual to you; now track them, if you can though those before you get board your r goes way down.
 S - Toggles the souls ( the blue things that fly down when people are born )
 idle - There is a 10% chance that you will not work on a goal if you have just maxed one out.

Now g and b go up slowly as someone works on them, but r only goes down if they catch the person they are tracking.

Individuals will pick goals depening on what they have the least of, relitivly because red goes up and blue and green go down, and then work on that color. If they work on it longer than their personal conentration they will get board and pick something new to do. Regardless of what they are working on Individuals will avoid the Decepicons at all costs, how quickly they run from a Decepicon is relitive to their distance from it, they will not react if they are not within a 'visiable' distance. This distance is relitive to the size of the room.

I used OpenGL, ODE and SLDK for drawing, physics, and event handling ( Keyboard, ect. ). The world exist as ODE Geoms with no bodies so they stay in place, the floor plane is in its own space so that the rain can fall though.

  If two people are tracking each other to rid themselves of r and they meet, a new person is born!

  As people get older they can die, if they neglect a color for two long their life expectancy goes down.

  These are evil pointy balls that chase Individuals; these are to be avoided at al costs! You can die if they catch you!




 1 - World view, looks staticly at everyone
 2 - Closeup, keep pushing to scroll though all the Individuals
 R,G and B - If you are in world view then everyone will change their current goal to the button you pushed, when in close up only that person changes.
 i - Toggles goal trace lines.
 p - toggles rain, rain also happens randomly so beware.


Special Thanks to:

Adam Smith - Best TA ever, I never would have gotten half of this without your help.

ODE - Physics made simple I stole their function for printing text to the screen.