CMPS161 - Final Project Winter 2006

For the final project, I made soft bodies simulation using ODE (Open Dynamic Engine)
and SDL (Simple Directmedia Layer).
ODE is used mainly for rigid bodies simulation, but can be used to simulate soft bodies
by adjusting the ERP and CFM parameter.

Keyboard Controls:
1 - drop a full box of spheres.
2 - drop an empty box.
3 - drop a cylinder.
4 - drop a cloth.
5 - create a static sphere.
6 - drop a full box of boxes.
0 - drop a bean.
s - show(on/off) reflections.
j - show(on/off) joints.
r - reset .
q - squeeze (for the tool).
e - pull apart (for the tool).

Mouse Controls: (for the tool)
Left Click - fire a ball.
Right Click - fire a cylinder.
Scroll Up - ascend.
Scroll Down - descend.
Moving the Mouse - move the tool.

Here are some screenshots:

I give credits to Adam (a lot!), ODE, and SDL.