CMP 161 -- Programming Assignment 3

Due date:
10:00am, THU, 3/16/2006


Learn about real-time 3d video games by implementing a simple game involving all of the follwoing aspects:

Project Resources:

Feed the TA if he is still hungry!

Useful Links:

To Do:

Items To Submit:

Your submission should be able to be played by anyone with a windows machine who downloads it.
Additionally, for interested users (and for grading purposes) the source should be included.

BEFORE you submit: remove all code that isn't important to your program!
This means getting rid of the spinny transparent cube, the soft screen mask example,
the 'reset' user event (if you don't use it), any references to and use of extra media
(unit circle).  Also, remove any per-frame or per-collision printing from the console.
It is OK if the program prints any welcome, instruction, or game-related-status messages
to the console but it should not have any debugging stuff when you submit.  Remove any comments
that say // TODO: something as you should have either done what they suggested
or decided that your program won't use that aspect of the example code.

Test your package by unzipping it into an empty directory to make sure you have everything it needs to run!

< >

	Source files:

		textures (.png)
		audio (.ogg)
			brief description of game
				how does input affect the game? ("WASD+arrowkeys move ball")
				what do any status displays on the screen mean? ("the green bar is health, red is timer")
				when does the game world create sound? ("collisions and losing trigger a sound")
				what are the mechanics of the game? ("realistic ball-rolling-on-table-motion")
				what are the rules of the game? ("falling off the table loses the game, user tries to stay alive for as long as possible")
			attributions for anything you didn't create
				textures, sounds, libraries
			html-ify your README and add some screenshots


This program nominally accounts for 6% of your final grade. Include a README in your submission as to which platform to use. By the way, if you're doing your development on PC's, you should be able to recompile your fltk/opengl code on the suns with little or no modifications to your source. Programs turned in at least a full day early will earn 1% bonus credit. Late programs will be charged 1% late points. In addition, late programs will not be accepted 24 hours past due date. Late programs and reports will not be accepted for the final project. The bonus credits may be accumulated up to a total of 50% toward program and final project credits. Programs are graded 80% for functionality and correctness and 20% for style, readability, documentation/writeup, and efficiency. Additional points may also be earned for extra features.


These commands should work from any cats machine, but if there is a problem try from unix.ic.

Last modified Tuesday, 22-Jan-2019 09:42:15 PST.